Can the NFL kick Tua out of the league?

NFL insider Mike Florio was asked about Tua playing with the Dolphins next season, and he said he thinks there's a good chance that the NFL won't allow Tua to continue to play in the league because of the concussions. Here's what Mike Florio said:
"There's going to be a collective or coincidental decision made by all of the teams that we can't have this guy in the NFL anymore. Because when he plays, we have to hold our breath and sit on the edge of our seat that he's going to have a concussion, and that's gonna lead the morning shows on ABC, CBS and NBC the next day. We don't want that kind of attention on our sport, and we don't want parents out there fretting about not letting their kids play. And I think that's the real analysis, unspoken, by the team. They're not gonna come out and say this is why they did it, they're gonna say that this is in the best interests of Tua. I think they are thinking in their own best interests."
I've never heard of the NFL banning a player to save himself from himself
If this happens, I will be shocked, and I will be very interested in how they pull it off and explain it. As @perkdog said, it's unheard of.l (as far as I know). It's the same with the owners. They don't want to speak out against each other or vote each other out for fear that the same will be done to them. There has to be a lot of public pressure.
I've never heard of anything like this happening, I'll have to see it to believe it.
Mike Florio has an interesting program but he also has a habit of being a tool with regularity. This would seem to be one of those times.
I believe that every player has to pass a physical during the offseason before training camp. I would think that if he cannot pass that physical, it would preclude him playing during the season.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
to add, I personally think he should retire. too many concussions too fast.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
That's exactly what it is. He's just spewing nonsense.
Oh , the problem is the NFL kicked him out of his bowling leauge - Tau makes the NFL too much money with his jersey sales for them to actually care one way or the other.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"