Selling a value stamp collection cheap

Here is my listing on eBay I have it less than half price of what I should be getting for it. Grandfather owned this since 53 and is very valuable.
Here is my listing on eBay I have it less than half price of what I should be getting for it. Grandfather owned this since 53 and is very valuable.
Stamp collecting is no longer popular, nobody here will even pay $5 for that now.
You are being harsh.
Stamp collecting has been much more popular now than in recent memory, especially classic material, postal history, and recent releases.
However, this collection is stretching it in terms of asking price.
Not to burst your bubble, but I do not see a single stamp that has any value over 10 cents. I collected as a child and moved to baseball cards. It seems now I am going in reverse back to stamps. I have bought a few collections to search through when I retire in a few years. However nothing interests me with the pictures I have seen in your listing.