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What would you do.......

DIMEMANDIMEMAN Posts: 22,403 ✭✭✭✭✭

I have all Dimes back to 1796 (except for 1802 & 1872-CC) in various grades mostly raw.

The question is, would you try to slab them and pick up the 02 and 72 for the regisrty. Or,sell off the bust and seated and go for walkers and complete type. Barbers are a maybe. Mercs are in my Registry #1 basic.

Which would you rather have down the road? Which do you think would be easier to sell if needed?

Would be interested in anyones opion.

Thanks, Jon

I'm really struggling here.


  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,223 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You're the DIMEMAN. I'd stick with those. You're so close! Go for it.


  • keithdagenkeithdagen Posts: 2,025

    Finish off the dimes. Don't slab the others unless you just feel like it. Sell the stuff after completing it, definitely not before, and only do it if you want to focus on something else.

    Keith ™

  • MarkMark Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm with Braddick and Keith with one exception: I'd have the coins slabbed. Why? Because I think it would be tremendously eye-appealing and intellectually gratifying to be able to display all those dimes side-by-side in a uniform container. Even better, get the additional dimes you need and then talk with PCGS so that when you submit them, they can all be slabbed in numeric order. (This might require reslabbing some already slabbed coins, which is why you would likely need to talk to PCGS.) I think that would be a very nifty collection!


  • Jon,
    Mark nailed it, that would be great to finish and see!image

    My Dimes

    << If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right the first time! >>
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    call me crazy but why slab them at all!?!?
    I'd finish the set and get something like a nice Capital holder and put the entire set in it.
    Now that would be quite the conversation piece!
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    I think slabbing them consecutively would be really cool! And what a great accomplishment! Maybe with that long list of consecutive serial numbers we can finally crack the serial number code and figure out what the constituent elements are!

  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
      Geez I Just Cannot See You going from "Dimeman" to "Halfman" !! Heck Just keep the Dimes and Dabble in the Halves. Something like I'm doing with the Type Stuff. Never would the Type Replace the Mercs.
        By The Way. Congratulations on the Award for Your Mercury Set. imageimageimageimage
        1. RGLRGL Posts: 3,784
          Say, it ain't so, Dime ... How many people on this planet have ever owned a complete set of dimes from 1796 to date? 'Nuff said. Slabbing is a matter of personal choice ... if you plan to sell some day, it could be advantageous to slab 'em, although as we all know, you generally get more money selling them one at a time instead of as a set ... Ultimately, choose what makes you happy!
        2. DIMEMANDIMEMAN Posts: 22,403 ✭✭✭✭✭

          Relax Ken. You misunderstood something. The Mercs. are not at risk here and probably not the Barbers. Just the Bust and Seated.

          And by the way guys. I have owned an 1802 and 1872-CC,but sold them to buy dimes I wanted more.

          Thanks for the responce so far. I haven't made up my mind yet. It would cost a lot to slab them all, and some probably wouldn't make it. You know how PCGS is.

          Keep the thoughts coming.

        3. DAMDAM Posts: 2,410 ✭✭

          I tend to lean towards goose 3's idea. If the expense of slabbing is too great, consider a Capitol holder, or someting similar, to show off your dimes.

          That must be a beautiful set.


          Complete the set. Then move on.
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