The kid

in Sports Talk
Always loved watching this guy play, you don't hear enough about him around here. I remember growing up, the kid got me interested in baseball.
Just a phenomenal talent.
And he had a beautiful swing.
I can't count how many packs of 89' Upper Deck I opened looking for this card.
He was the Michael Jordan of baseball in his day. Here's to you Mr. Griffey Jr., hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray!
I hope you all enjoyed this short, yet entertaining, thread.
He was a pretty great player.
Glad you found it. You made that one or bought it? (Wait, is 'made' used in cards as it is in coins?)
I don't own that copy, it's merely a photo for reference. He was indeed a great player, great enough to have his own video game on Super Nintendo! (Not my video game by the way, merely a photo for reference.)
Out of curiosity, what's it say on his chain? I can't make it out on my phone.
I'm sorry for the late reply, it's been a hectic day, our microwave is malfunctioning and I've been trying to find a good microwave oven on ebay to purchase! Anyway, about the chain, I can't quite make it out but it appears to be the letters BMW and the number 43, perhaps he owned a BMW car and was proud about it, but I'm not 100% positive, here is a clearer image of the card. Now if you'll excuse me, I must find this microwave soon or my wife will have a fit, she gets mean when she doesn't have her Orville Redenbacher!
LoveyDragon i believe
I'm Lovey Dovey all the time, but that's none of my business.
I'm on my laptop. Image is clearer. Does that say " BMW M2"? As in the car?
Quite possible, is that a model of BMW that existed back then? He must have owned one. Personally I prefer a little red Corvette, I always wanted to own one, but they were a bit too pricey!
A great player and iconic card. I have a few of them. It was a must have in the early 90’s.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Griffey was a fantastic player. I think in modern times he does not get his just deserves because of the emphasis put on batters walking. I would personally rather have Griffey in my outfield than the CF that plays for the Angels, but he walks more, so the analytics guys fawn over him.
just my 2 cents
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Please, someone confirm my chain/necklace question from the card...
You've become obsessed with his necklace, and that can be a very dangerous thing. I too was once obsessed, except my obsession had nothing to do with jewelry, no, but a pastry, a pastry so delicious that I would do anything to get my hands on one, including lie, cheat, and steal. Sadly they don't make them anymore, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pies from the early 90s, a delicious pastry with a Vanilla pudding type filling, and if you'll notice, the outside is a sweet frosting that is Green, like the shell of a Turtle. All it took was one taste and I was hooked. There's a Facebook page dedicated to the cause of bringing them back, but sadly the effort has been fruitless thus far.
I'm not obsessed. My "please" was not written out of desperation, but out of respect for the time that I am asking my forum friends to spend possibly researching this for me and writing a reply.