Any added value to breaking up a South Africa set to a TPG?

Am I adding any value breaking up a proof set (2015 South Africa, Man and the Biosphere Kogelberg Reserve) to get certified?
Worthpoint, ebay, acsearch ,, etc. have no instances of sold sets, or the gold coins selling at all
Across the two majors, a total of 2 of the gold coins were graded, a few of the silvers
My opinion, is that given this is such a modern set, so few have already been graded and you can't find auction values for coins in holders then there isn't much interest in finding "perfect" gems for these issues at the moment. Therefore, submission for certification would not appear to change the value much, but it would take a few dollars out of your pockets.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
All of the coins are going to be MS-something mid-60's or a little more. As said above, all the certs will do is empty your wallet and add no value.
I'd hope they would be at least proof 68 (!) but thanks both for the feedback
Here is one of these coins graded:

And another:
You can check with the cert # how many have been graded.
Yes, thank you. I saw a few silvers graded (mostly I think so they could participate in the competitive 2 rand registry at NGC) but nothing on the golds, nor any sales of the set. Consensus above seems to be "don't bother"