Meaning of "tooled"

in Q & A Forum
On GC 1/8/23 auction there is an 1877S Trade $ and the PCGS label says Genuine - Tooled UNC Details.
What does :"Tooled" mean?
Thanks. Bill
Means it's been damaged by contact from a device that caused metal surface to be altered in some way. Or as Confucius says "pmd" IMO. Peace Roy
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
Using an object or a tool to try and help improve the look of a coin by trying to add details back, or by trying to remove imperfections or problems that hinder the look of the coin.
Relating to this same topic, any ideas what has happened to this coin to receive:

Altered surf. UNC details.