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CU Fantasy Football League B Season IX - Congratulations to Official Champion L.V. Trolley Dodgers!

AC000000AC000000 Posts: 257 ✭✭✭

With the cancellation by the NFL of the week 17 Bills/Bengals game creating incomplete scoring for the 1st and 3rd place fantasy games, a consensus has been reached by the four impacted managers. The 1st and 3rd Place prizes will be split between the 2 managers in each game. L.V. Trolley Dodgers and Steve Lum's Team will split 1st Place prize and receive $200 each. Sportscardshop and Tony's Team will split 3rd place prize and receive $60 each.

But, with the Powers vested in me, as Commissioner, by my over-inflated dictatorial ego, I am going to apply the official League standings as established by Yahoo Sports, to crown the CU Fantasy Football League B Season IX Champion. So, the 2022 CU Fantasy Football League B (for Best) - Season IX Champion is the L.V. Trolley Dodgers. Steve Lum's Team finishes 2nd Place and Sportscardshop 3rd Place. Trolley Dodgers should get at least a little extra something, so the Dodgers will play for free next season.

Congratulations to L.V. Trolley Dodgers, and my personal thanks to the league managers for another competitive and fun fantasy football season. I hope everyone wins their NFL Playoffs/Super Bowl bets or squares, and hope to "see" you all again next season, or see you in-person for a meet up at this years National where I'll be happy to buy the first round.

Sam Goodman


  • gameusedhoopgameusedhoop Posts: 3,588 ✭✭✭✭

    Once again, another great season in the books. Touch and go all year with injuries and trying to make the playoffs. Snuck in at 7-7 and ended exactly there in 6th place after the playoffs were done. Congratulations to Trolley Dodgers! Is it wrong that I am already doing mock drafts for next year? LOL

  • Thanks again Sam for doing such great job as our commissioner. I want to congratulate everybody for a super competitive year, and a separate congrats to Steve Lum's team as he put together a great team for the year. Thanks again, see you all next year!

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