I would like some help on the photo's of "ancient" coins I have no idea what they are.Any ideas!!!

My step son acquired these asked me if I knew anything about them, Thank You.
My step son acquired these asked me if I knew anything about them, Thank You.
To be honest, their extreme uniformity of detail and general "look" made me immediately think they are modern fakes.
I agree with Dennis, they're all fakes. You can see the seam on the side in the one photo you shared.
They're modern fakes meant to look like Spanish cobs.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Thanks everyone for your expertise,I'll relay it to my stepson.
Yes not even fakes, they are designed as toy pirate coins.
Yep, they're play money, "pirate pieces of eight" or "pirate doubloons". You can buy them in bulk from party stores, so you can make your own "pirate treasure hunt".
Beachcombers sometimes find these in the sand, in a sadly corroded state, left behind by a "pirate treasure hunt" party that didn't find all their "treasure". They get quite excited, until they realise that they're replicas.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.