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Morgan VAM 12 with a twist

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited January 5, 2023 6:59PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Or do I have the wrong VAM number?
I looked at all of them for this date.
Here are all the VAM12 indicators, it has the line down from In (God we trust) but its missing the clash in the cove of her hair.
Sorry for the lousy images but you will see what I am trying to convey clearly. It gets better.

Several things are different about this coin than a VAM 12 or 12A.
Something is going on the the R and B in Liberty and it's not a bag mark because it's also inside the round areas of the letters and rolls away. Three of the biggest difference are imaged here. Her lips and chin have something going on and it looks like she's wearing a hair clip. Lastly I see something at the bottom of her cap.


  • PapiNEPapiNE Posts: 329 ✭✭✭

    I pulled out my certified 1887 Morgan VAM 12. Everything you show matches my coin. The cap/lip/chin lines are all clashes.
    I can't see anything of note in the R and B of LIBERTY in your pics or on my coin.

    USAF veteran 1984-2005

  • Oh man I was hoping for a new VAM. Thanks for the info!

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