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Ebay and watchers and sales

spyglassdesignspyglassdesign Posts: 1,620 ✭✭✭✭✭

I know many people here sell on eBay and some have stores. I have found the markdown sale tool very handy. But what has sort of perplexed me is when I run a sale (such as end of the year sale going on now), I wish there was a way to set an alert or a prompt to let viewers know the sale is ending soon type of deal. When I look at my product pages it shows its on sale but I don't see a clear indication of when the prices go back up.

Am I missing something? I feel like I wish there was a way to express that if they are really interested, they need to think about it quickly before the sale ends! Maybe a banner next to the sale indicator... Sale ends on x date?


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