Cristiano Ronaldo to make $75 million a year?

in Sports Talk
Is there something I'm missing here? Soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo is going to sign a contract worth $75 million a year with the Saudi Arabia soccer league, I believe the contract goes until 2030. What is it about soccer, why do these guys make so much?
52 weeks in a year, and that's what, he's going to make over $1 million a week?
biggest sport in the world. more power to the guy, he obviously earned it. same with golfers. if you can get it take it.
And that doesn't even include the endorsement deals, he is raking in some serious cheese!
If I had my life to do over again, I would get rich, it's sad the food I have to eat, nothing brand name, I have to settle for Prongles instead of Pringles.
It's my dream to be able to taste an actual Kit Kat bar, but alas, I must settle for this cheap imitation.
And Jay-Z is filthy rich, I would love to see him struggle, just for one day!
two words for you: Saudi. Arabia.
we're talking about an endless supply of cash here
they gave 52-yr-old (!) Phil Mickelson 200M (!!) to play golf for them
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
salt and potato ...lmao
Never heard of him, but then again I don't get out much...........
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