The fight last night with the psitons and magic

in Sports Talk
was ridiculous. some player from the pistons sucker punched the magic player and knocked him out. That player should be permanently banned from the NBA. There is no place for such behavior. If I owned the Pistons, i would cut him.
Work hard and you will succeed!!
Here's the video of the incident.
The statement from the NBA concerning punishment.
Am I correct in thinking that Wagner was essentially knocked out by a rabbit punch?
The guy on the PA is the same (I believe) from the melee, and he sounds like he had been preparing for this moment happening again.
Maybe I have to look at the video again but I really didn't see that much to this???
Where did Wagner get knocked out? I may have missed this???
From what I could see that guy Wagner looked like he took a little jab if that unless I missed it, it could be the first time he ever got into any type of altercation and played it up and pretended he got hurt? IDK looks fishy to me but it's possible I just didn't see it clearly?
First off,Mo Wagner slowed down his sprint then bumped Hayes while he was running at full speed down the sidelines sending him flying into his own bench and he only gets two games? That was just as dirty as the cheap shot from Hayes,IMO,because at that point neither he nor Hayes had a chance for the ball yet he still purposelly hip-checked him into the stands.
Second,that forearm bump to the back of the head was just karma returning the favor for instigating this entire brawl.
Third,most of those Pistons players got screwed for just sitting on the bench and having this melee literally landing in their lap.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
It happens around 5 seconds in. If you click on the settings on that video you can slow it down and see it clearer. I heard some discussion about this last night where they said one of the guys rushing in hit Wagner right on that sweet spot and he went night night. If you watch the video from this frame of reference, you can see where he goes falls forward. He's the white guy in the white shirt who initiated it.
bumping someone out of bounds is a foul. this happens all the time. there are plenty of moving screens that knock the defender to the ground. never a technical. but if the ref thought it was over the top then a shot technical and a disqualification would seem to be appropriate. but it does not deserve two additional games.
a forearm to the back of someones head is an assault. it can kill a person and in this case it looked like it knocked wagner silly or out for a moment. punching wagner in his face is more acceptible at least he could see it coming. i would not tolerate that type of behavior from my team. he would never play for me again. if the pistons guy wants to do stuff like that, put him on the lions and let him go to it.
Here's a closer look at that forearm shot at 1:47.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
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It wasn't just a bump out of bounds though. Hayes is almost at a full on sprint after the ball and you can clearly see Wagner slow down,look behind to the left,look behind to the right then hip check Hayes who goes flying off into the seats. What if on that play Hayes ended up tearing an ACL or busting his hip and he's out till 2023? Just because he didn't get hurt doesn't mean that it wasn't still intentional.
Wagner has a history of weaselly play and somehow he always comes off as the victim after. I just don't feel sorry for this guy when all of this could have been avoided.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
Most "Basketbrawls" are "lots of smoke but no fire".
Players posture, shove, smack talk and act tough. However they mostly are not street brawlers and at the pro level they are very aware about the negative financial consequences that can flow from fighting (fines, suspensions without pay, serious injury resulting in not being able to play for long stretches of time, etc.)
There are exceptions to the above general rule.
Including Marvin Bad News Barnes bringing a gun and/or tire iron to practice with plans to use them on a teammate he did not like; Kermit Anderson hitting Rudy Tomjanovich in the face with his fist and almost killing him; and Latrell Sprewell leaving practice only to return later to attack and choke his coach P. J. Carlissimo.
i've looked at this clip a couple of times and i think i'm seeing things that no one else seems to. when you get to about 1:40 (the slo-mo replay), watch closely as Wagner gets hit in the back and then collides with the Pistons player on the bench -- for some reason it looks like that act sent the dude reeling. his head goes back and his eyes appear closed literally right before he gets popped in the back of the head by Hayes.
it was like the initial shot to the back and then slamming into a brick wall all but put him out on his feet like a fighter, then the kill shot to the back of the head dropped him to the canvas
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Had he just let the ball roll on on its own then just stopped hiw own momentum this entire altercation could have been avioded.
If I'm any Pistons player other than Hayes or Diallo I'm appealing my suspension. When you're sitting on the bench and the party litersally falls in your lap there's not much you can do there. For some players just standing up probably got them suspended.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
galaxy either explained the scuffle or the JFK assassination…… I’m not sure which. 🤔
Eric please stop injecting a lick of common sense into a situation like this
you will cause an eruption between Adam Silver's ears
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
this last-minute POTY entry is quite strong
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I thoroughly enjoyed your breakdown, but for the record have to bring up the fact that I mentioned the same thing above.
You are not alone on this journey, my friend.
you are absolutely right.
revised credit allocation:
showstopper - 100%
galixico - 0%
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
No, we split it, 50/50. End of discussion. 💪💪
I agree. It looks like Wagner was already KO'ed before the forearm.
Incredibly dirty play by Wagner to initiate the whole thing though.