AITA - auction invoice and shipping question
Am I the a-hole here? Back in September, I bid on a coin through sixbid. I moved last year and I didn't realize I hadn't updated my new address in sixbid. My $100 bid won (we're not talking about the end of the world here). The seller didn't email me an invoice or tracking number. I hadn't paid yet, I didn't even realize I won anything, and I forgot about it. A week ago, I got an invoice saying that the coin was delivered 6 weeks ago my old PO box.
I should have updated my sixbid address, no question. But how common is it for auction companies to ship before payment, and for those that do, how common is it not to send any communication like an invoice or tracking number (which would alert me to the address problem)?
In my experience, it's customary to pay before shipping the coins, but I've heard of companies ship before payment for good customers, which I suppose I was before this (one prior successful transaction 3 years prior). I got an invoice a week ago. My email inquiry led to what I thought was an angry response, telling me how I should have checked the invoice section of their website when the auction closed, kept my address current (agreed), writing it off as a loss and cancelling my account. Again, not the end of the world, if I ever wanted to bid on something, I could simply create a new account with a friend's help.
What does the forum think? How many lashes do I deserve?
Many companies ship on open account to numerous clients, before receiving payment. It depends upon factors such as how long business has been done between the parties, the amount of business, whether there have been any issues, the amount of the transaction, references and so on.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
So I've received coins from Heritage on open account, but they email an invoice so I know right away that this is happening.
It’s hard to judge when you simply describe an email and response and don’t show them.
It's also not impossible that an invoice or shipping notification was blocked by a spam filter.
Have you checked with the PO? Not sure if they would keep track of an item sent to a former box owner,
It's not impossible that they have a card on file and charged it.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
Honestly you're both at fault imo. You for not making sure your info was up to date and them for not communicating before sending. It would be different if you had a long history with them and lots of successful transactions...
If it were me I'd offer to go ahead and pay for it since it wasn't a huge amount and take it as a lesson learned. But not everyone is that way. It wouldn't feel good to pay for something you didn't receive but at least you could stay in their good graces and... You will always remember it. Kind of like touching the hot burner as a kid. You remember things that hurt!
You didn't file a change of address with the PO?
edited... Nevermind. I see you moved last year but only bid this past September.