WTB: 1971 Terry Bradshaw PSA 8
Posts: 104 ✭✭✭
I know this is a long shot but I’ve looked everywhere else. There’s a few on eBay but nobody is paying for those crazy prices. I’d love to find one here in Texas so we could do an in person deal but that might be asking a little to much.
I'm sure you want an 8 non-qualifier. I have a PSA 8oc is interested.
Yeah I’m needing one without the qualifier. Thank you tho. If you see one out there for a decent price please let me know.
Hard to believe this was a $900 card just a few yrs ago.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Yep I’m kicking myself now. Had a chance at one right at $1000 back then and put it off. Now I’m looking at around $3000 or so.