A Great Mike Tyson Boxing vid

in Sports Talk
Long video but I just watch it a few minutes at a time while waiting for programs to load. Very interesting if you are into boxing.
I wouldn't piss him off EVER!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Strong words from Cus D'Amato about Tyson being the greatest heavyweight of all time barring the distractions, because that's exactly what derailed his career, the distractions and lack of mental focus. I personally think that if Tyson had stayed focused that he would have probably retired unbeaten. He was a ferocious fighter when he was locked in, he could explode on you, hence the nickname "kid dynamite". His peekabo style was very tricky in his prime and he could really unload on your body and head with those powerful shots. As far as heavyweights go, I rank Ali #1 and Louis #2. If you look at Ali's resume it's just ridiculous the guys he was able to beat, his era was the most stacked in heavyweight history and he was able to beat guys he wasn't supposed to beat. People always like to wonder if prime Tyson could have beaten prime Ali, it would have been a fun matchup, but I would give the edge to Ali, he was tough as old leather boots, and he beat guys that were at a serious danger level as far as punching power goes, and none of them could take Ali out. The murderers row of punchers from Ali were as follows - Liston, Frazier, Foreman, Shavers, Lyle, Williams, Moore, Foster. Add in decent punchers like Quarry, Patterson, Cooper, Folley, Norton, Bugner, Jones and I see Ali being able to weather the storm from Mike Tyson. Now, Joe Louis had a reign unlike any other in heavyweight history, he was the champ from 1937-49, which is ridiculous, he absolutely dominated his era, but the era wasn't like Ali's, with the quality of opponents, the gauntlet that Ali went through was just insane. As far as Ali vs Louis, I would also have to give the edge to Ali, Louis's biggest threat was his power and I just don't see him being able to take Ali out, and if you can't knock a guy out then you better be able to outbox him, and I just don't see Louis outboxing Ali. It's funny though, the old saying, styles make fights, because Ken Norton gave Ali fits, he was a bad stylistic matchup for Ali, I think Ali was once quoted as saying that he never could figure Ken Norton out.