Two journalists covering the World Cup drop dead

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Anyone think something fishy is going on or
just coincidence?
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Anyone think something fishy is going on or
just coincidence?
the vaccine
Or instead of the boogeyman (ie vaccine), it might have been an actual health condition (aortic aneurysm).
This thread is fated for "CLOSED".... But before that happens, I want to put in my 2¢ worth.....I got the shot. Only because verification of vaccination was required to enter SoFi Stadium last year. Otherwise, I would not have done it. Ten Hydrant adults got the shot for the same reason. RAMS FOOTBALL! Life or death decision? Who cares? The most important thing is THE RAMS!!... None of the Little Hydrants took the jab. All 13 of them.....Anyway, afterwards... Every adult except The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant™ and me was diagnosed with the sickness. Sometimes multiple times.....and, 11 of the Little Hydrants caught the bug....Idaho was hardest hit!...Utah came in second....California a distant third....Never amounted to anything.... Nothing. I don't know what to think.
But, to keep it sports related..... To me, the funniest thing about the whole deal was that a face mask was also required to enter SoFi. However, once everyone was inside they took the mask off!...😂.....And watching the games, I couldn't help from thinking.... Why aren't any of the players wearing masks!😂
Those guys were in REAL CLOSE CONTACT!... Remember the 6' distancing rule???.....Oh, Well.....I'm Confused.😵
But looking back on why everyone took their masks off?...It's makes perfect sense.... I mean, how ya gonna drink your beer or eat your nachos with a mask on!...

Nefarious or not it's definitely tragic regardless
I meant no offense. I also know people who have had aneurysms. I am not implying all aneurysms are from the vaccine.