This is not good

in Sports Talk
Florida QB Jalen Kitna jailed on child pornography counts
If true and convicted, his life is pretty much going to be awful. I had a colleague that did this, was convicted, when arrested and even before the trial (where he was convicted), he was immediately dismissed from a civil servant position in a prestigious govt. center running a world class lab. His family had to move away so the kids could go to school. He hasn't worked in his chosen career since. The law does not look kindly on those guilty of this offense.
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as it should not. children cannot protect themselves, therefore these types of predators must be stopped before they even get started. if they get to the kids, it'll be an entire lifetime filled with trauma.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
His dad was a pro QB.
What a horrible thing to happen.
If true, this is abhorrent behavior. I have no use at all for those who would abuse children. and by being a cog in the machine of child pornography, users are absolutely facilitating the abuse of children.
jail time is too good for those type of people.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Lock em up
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
I was wondering if he was any relation to John Kitna.
Why would anyone in their right mind have any sympathy for this type of crime if he did it let him pay the price.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I think that is his father......
My last 2 years of service at the jail I worked at was the predator unit.
Please keep an eye out on your kids as well as any other child if possible, I can tell you with absolute certainty that these predators are not all creepy type of people, they come in all walks of life and you really need to be aware of your kids.
Over the years I've seen police, fireman, teachers, uncles, relatives and even parents convicted of horrific crimes against children
In short "You Never Know"
I could not have worked where you did Paul. The recent kidnapping and killing of that beautiful 7 year old girl by a FEDEX driver just sickens me beyond words. They are deeply scarred forever, the grief will never go away. With Christmas just around the corner, her parents must be in a mental place that I can't even imagine, how horrific. I've been in a combat zone in Vietnam for a year, kinda never know what's coming from day to day, but the horrilbe sh%t I saw doesn't remotely compare to child abuse, worse, killing a child. I would think this guy's life expectancy in jail can be calculated in just a few days, if not minutes. I'm pretty sure that even the most hardened criminals eradicate these incredibly evil inmates, and, IMO rightly so.
CORRECTION. Just heard the driver was a third party driver working for a company hired by FEDEX to deliver packages, not directly working as a FEDEX driver.
I'd like to tell you justice would be served upon arriving to prison but Unfortunately they are mandated to protect these animals and house them all together away from the other prisoners.
Make no mistake about it, there are no limits to the evil man is capable of.
I live in Burleson, TX. Kitna has been the HC at a HS in Burleson for a couple of years, and his son (the one in question) was the QB here for a bit before college. Not relevant, but interesting (to me, lol)