All the Presidents men

in Sports Talk
Use a Presidents LAST NAME only.
Please use a LAST NAME just once to save for others.
Adams, Johnson, and Bush can be used twice.
A LAST NAME can be used TWICE if used in one players first name ( Clinton Portis ) and another players last name ( ha-ha Clinton Dix).
Then the VP can be used also ( Frank Gore).
10 names gets a round of applause.
20 names gets a standing ovation.
30 names and Pedro Martinez and I will call you our daddy.
Reggie Bush, Roosevelt Brown, Leon Washington
Jamal Adams
Cortez Kennedy
Otis Nixon
Maddison Bumgarner
Justin Jefferson
Bo Jackson
Steve Van Buren
John Taylor
Thomas John Justin Jefferson
John Wendell Tyler
Gerald Chris Ford
James Cris Carter
Benjamin James Harrison
Rutherford Lester Hayes
Andrew Calvin Johnson
John Quincy Jamal Adams
George Joe Washington
Zachary Jonathan Taylor
John Lincoln Cortez Kennedy
Franklin Antonio Pierce
George Devin Bush
Andrew Steven Jackson
James Sam Madison
Ulysses Horace Grant
Richard Norm Nixon
William Takk McKinley
Warren Tonya Harding
Abraham Jeremy Lincoln (good to be a Bears fan)
edit: work initially interfered with my reading comprehension skillz, or lack thereof
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Willie Wilson
Darrell Arthur. Ku basketball
Reggie Jackson
Buck buchanan
Phil ford
Paul pierce
Marvin Harrison
Bud grant
Walter Johnson
Cris carter
Earl the pearl monroe
Otis Taylor
Phil reagan
Keith Lincoln
Mudcat Grant
Otis Nixon
Herbert Hoover…… brooks Robinson
Reggie Cleveland,pitcher. Grover Cleveland only President to serve 2 terms not consecutively. 22nd/24th.
Rafer Johnson,football.