Well, the Portugal-Switzerland match has ended, with Portugal blasting their way through to a more than convincing victory, 6-1. I stated earlier that Germany and Portugal were the teams I follow. While I am very disappointed to see Germany exit so early, I can now focus on Portugal on their quest for a possible World Cup.
Their star, Ronaldo, was benched so the coach could use a different formation against the Swiss. The attacking line featured younger, faster and dynamic forwards. It was amazing seeing the multi-player attack on the Swiss defense wearing them down and capitalizing on the opportunities. Multiple players scored and Portugal looked like a well organized team keeping possession of the ball, passing it around and getting people scoring opportunities. They played like a World Cup contender. They have several players that can be dangerous on the opposing team's goal, so the defense gets overwhelmed with who to mark. They even had a defender knock in a goal during a corner kick. They have a solid bench and the team is just talented and play well together.
Their next match is Morocco. While it might be the lowest ranked team left in the tournament, nothing can be taken for granted. Their defense is very tight, so Portugal needs to have a line up that can counter that. The plays they made against Switzerland might not translate well against Morocco. The Portuguese coach will figure that one out. Portugal is not a one man team (as in Ronaldo) for they have so many good players able to execute different roles.
"So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve
Portugal out today. Morocco's goalie came up huge in the 2nd half. Portugal peppered him and he didnt break. Ronaldo had a golden opportunity in the 90th minute and was stuffed
Argentina and France are tied 3-3 and it's going to a shootout to determine who wins it all, what a game, neither team wants to let go, this has been the best World Cup final ever.
Just so I have this right --- The supposed biggest sporting event in the World, played every four years and including teams from every nation on the Planet, is decided by having each player on the two finalists line up and take a free kick??
And the World wonders why Americans just can't get behind this sport. Thankfully, it is gone for four more years.
@Maywood said:
Just so I have this right --- The supposed biggest sporting event in the World, played every four years and including teams from every nation on the Planet, is decided by having each player on the two finalists line up and take a free kick??
And the World wonders why Americans just can't get behind this sport. Thankfully, it is gone for four more years.
IMO, what a silly thing to say - to generalize all Americans collectively that we 'just can't get behind this sport'. It was an epic final, I, as an American, was fully engaged in this game and at the edge of my seat, including the penalty kick rotations at the end. Riveting.
"Soccer is now the fourth most popular sport in the United States, after football, basketball and baseball. Thirty-one percent of Americans call themselves soccer fans, an all-time high, according to a 2019 Gallup survey. Between 1990 and 2017, the number of Americans who called soccer their favorite sport increased sevenfold."
Is it over?
Well, the Portugal-Switzerland match has ended, with Portugal blasting their way through to a more than convincing victory, 6-1. I stated earlier that Germany and Portugal were the teams I follow. While I am very disappointed to see Germany exit so early, I can now focus on Portugal on their quest for a possible World Cup.
Their star, Ronaldo, was benched so the coach could use a different formation against the Swiss. The attacking line featured younger, faster and dynamic forwards. It was amazing seeing the multi-player attack on the Swiss defense wearing them down and capitalizing on the opportunities. Multiple players scored and Portugal looked like a well organized team keeping possession of the ball, passing it around and getting people scoring opportunities. They played like a World Cup contender. They have several players that can be dangerous on the opposing team's goal, so the defense gets overwhelmed with who to mark. They even had a defender knock in a goal during a corner kick. They have a solid bench and the team is just talented and play well together.
Their next match is Morocco. While it might be the lowest ranked team left in the tournament, nothing can be taken for granted. Their defense is very tight, so Portugal needs to have a line up that can counter that. The plays they made against Switzerland might not translate well against Morocco. The Portuguese coach will figure that one out. Portugal is not a one man team (as in Ronaldo) for they have so many good players able to execute different roles.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
Brazil out yesterday
Portugal out today. Morocco's goalie came up huge in the 2nd half. Portugal peppered him and he didnt break. Ronaldo had a golden opportunity in the 90th minute and was stuffed
no team is safe
great World Cup
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
England vs France
Who do you guys like?
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
We will crown a champion today, Lionel Messi and Argentina vs last years defending champion France, this should be exciting!
Argentina and France are tied 3-3 and it's going to a shootout to determine who wins it all, what a game, neither team wants to let go, this has been the best World Cup final ever.
Holy crap, Argentina wins the World Cup!
This has got to feel great for the legendary Lionel Messi, finally a World Cup winner.
Just so I have this right --- The supposed biggest sporting event in the World, played every four years and including teams from every nation on the Planet, is decided by having each player on the two finalists line up and take a free kick??
And the World wonders why Americans just can't get behind this sport. Thankfully, it is gone for four more years.
Congrats to Argentina and Messi! Well done! Glad to see Messi finally do it!
IMO, what a silly thing to say - to generalize all Americans collectively that we 'just can't get behind this sport'. It was an epic final, I, as an American, was fully engaged in this game and at the edge of my seat, including the penalty kick rotations at the end. Riveting.
"Soccer is now the fourth most popular sport in the United States, after football, basketball and baseball. Thirty-one percent of Americans call themselves soccer fans, an all-time high, according to a 2019 Gallup survey. Between 1990 and 2017, the number of Americans who called soccer their favorite sport increased sevenfold."
Link: https://share.america.gov/soccer-soars-united-states/
American based CNN article: 'the best World Cup final ever'
Link https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/18/football/france-argentina-world-cup-2022-reaction-spt-intl/index.html
Echos what American based ESPN is saying, as well as many other American media sources............
American based Mustache Jerry Jones says so, as well: