Who signed this letter and is it real, autopen or secretarial?

Back in 1988, when I was stationed in Japan I came up with idea of having an auction of signed books and pictures and such to raise funds for the Hachinohoe School for the Blind and Deaf. In this effort I wrote several hundred letters to authors, music artist and famous people. A lot wrote back and sent signed books, CD's, pictures, etc and we auctions off all the stuff and in the first year we raised over $5,000 for the school.
Going through some old papers today I came across this letter from the Supreme Court turning me down on my request but signing the letter. I don't know who it is supposed to be or if it is really their signature, autopen or secretarial or janitor. So, in that regard I am asking if anyone recognizes the signature and who is it and the other stuff.
We did the auction for the next couple of years and the 2nd year and 3rd year we raised a little over 3000 each year. So, it was good endeavor but an idea I am sure that is worn out now. I actually got the idea from a letter in Sports Collectors Digest where someone had done that for an auction and wrote just to sport figures.
Supreme Court Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist.
Yes, it's real.
Beat me to it.
Very nice signed letter.
Thanks very much for your quick response. I'll put it away with my other treasured mementos.
An added note...
I have a few of his autopens, and this definitely isn't one. They are more legible than his authentic signatures.