Tommy's INT streak ended

in Sports Talk
Tommys streak without throwing an INT ended just 3 attempts short of the record yesterday. He went an amazing 399 attempts this season without throwing a pick.
unreal. he now owns the 2nd and 3rd longest streaks in NFL history.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I was watching the game. Brady was clearly upset. And I know, with him, it's not the records but rather the overall performance. When they put that stat up on the screen, and I saw the years between for his two streaks, I actually thought it spoke pretty highly of him as a QB despite not being the record holder.
it truly is phenomenal that a 45-year-old man can produce such statistics.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
That was a nice streak.
Craig and showtime- serious question……
How important is it to you that the bucs finish with a winning record this year? I know you’re more pats fans than bucs but he has never had a losing regular season record which is very impressive
Let me set the record straight. I am in no way a Bucs fan, so I cannot be described in the way you just portrayed me. you're forgiven
That being said...rhetorical doesn't exactly fit here, because you didn't ask "will the Bucs finish with a winning record?"...maybe nonsensical is what I'm looking for...
Sorry didn’t mean to be nonsensical
I forgive you, seriously, and in all seriousness, since you said it was a serious question, I truthfully had not given that a thought. Didn't even cross my mind as a possibility. But he has said he would play until he sucks...
Doesn't surprise me........
Hot Off The Wire.....
"After announcing the end of her marriage to Tom Brady just two weeks ago supermodel Gisele Bundchen is now the owner of a Miami Beach area house. Right across the creek from where Tom Brady's mansion is being built."

Every man's worst nightmare!
Tommy will never be the same!
Yes, but...🤔
Yea, you're correct DD.....Except for one of those wins was against the Rams!.....That one doesn't count!
If my Sister-In-Law was the Bucs QB?.....She would stomp the Rams!

It's a No Brainer!
Being a Panthers fan, let me give you a piece of advice, this will help you deal with the Rams struggles as the season goes on.
my 2 cents...
I give Brady a pass, no pun intended. I'm only guessing, but he's probably feeling not so good about his 3 young children and then toss in a pinch of less-than-GOAT performance. No doubt he does face-time with them, but he is human, and he is probably trying to handle sensitive questions from his kids that are probably much harder than playing football.
Been there on a much smaller scale I suppose, but a lot of crap goes through your brain when you put your head on a pillow at night and try to sleep. Only time, lots of time, and doing your best to be an absentee dad eases the heartache.
All's fair in love and war....until Gisele catches a drunk Tara Reid creeping up Tom's driveway at 3am singing christmas carols. The sad part is christmas isn't for another 6 weeks and Tara wasn't paying attention to Tom's instructions so she got out of the wrong side of the Uber and ended up in G's driveway by mistake. 😎

Apparently, the TB12 Method caught another victim.
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I would like to see him have a winning record. It definitely has a different feel for me than when he was with the Pats. I always want him to play well, buy I dont feel the desire for the Bucs to win at anywhere near the level as when he played for "my team" If he gets to the SB, and it is NOT against the pats, i would be all in. I was in 2020. not because i care about tampa, at all, but it was great to see him win another SB
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
All I can say about that babe is that I would definitely need two 12 packs of Bud.....a quart of Southern Comfort.... Some really fine smoke....and a blindfold before I could even start to think about it!!😵
Craig- I was curious because I’m not sure it’s been done before, a qb going his whole career without ever having a losing season. I checked a few big names Montana, Manning, Rodgers, haven’t found anyone yet.
Now that I've been omitted from this little discussion I feel bad for calling you nonsensical...I was just joking around...take me back in...I want to play too...
I don't know off the top of my head what Otto Grahams record was every year he played but I don't think you play in the Championship each and every year you play and have a losing record. But give Brady credit for a winning record playing as many years as he has.
As far as I know, this is the "official" record.
the "fake" official record: Ben Roethlisberger played for 18 years with a team that never posted a losing record.
caveat: in 2 seasons, 06 and 19, Bens "record" was losing and the backup came in for the rest of the season and brought the steeler's season record up to at least .500
so Ben actually QB'ed the team to two "losing" records.
Tommy was officially a member of the 5-11 2000 patriots who were actually QB'ed by Bledsoe. Tommy actually only threw 3 passes in garbage time but was not given any w-l record that season. after 2000, he has 21 consecutive winning records, without any .500 seasons during games that he actually Qb'ed. The official book gives him credit for one win in 2008, his injury season, but he only played 1 1/2 quarters before the injury. I would give Cassel the win there which would leave Tom without a record for 2008.
So, I would give Tommy the real record, but the official books give it to Big Ben
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
that is all assuming the Bucs end up above .500 this season. I think they will. their remaining schedule is pretty weak.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I think a bigger question is, will Tommy become the only QB with 300 "wins"?
playoff and regular season combined, he has 283 currently. say they go 4-3 the rest of the way, that would put him at 287. If they won a playoff game, 288.
If he does come back to play next season, he would have a pretty good shot at those extra 12 wins.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Craig,where did you see this marked as the "official" record? Quarterbacks should only get credit for wins or losses in games that they started like in this image below. Its weird that there's a site that did this differently.

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