Name The Player..

in Sports Talk
Who is the first QB in NFL history to drop to 3-5 in his 23rd season on a Thursday night while the temperature was 82° on the 27th of October while the wind was blowing from the North and he was wearing a red uniform before getting a divorce the next day?
@Hydrant can you give me one more hint.
Yes, he is constantly writing history. Every week. We are living within it.
Of course....His initials are......T.B.......Now solve the riddle!..The clock is running.....

i know who it is but i'm not going to say his name because i don't want to get sued
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
You're a Class A #1 Jerk! 😂
Don't talk to my man Theo like that.
O.K., I'll take your advice...... How about this instead?..
Hey, Galixico....ol' buddy buddy......I was thinking about inviting you to a Rams game so that I could introduce you to some of my friends.......

But, I've changed my mind.....
all good's a fairly accurate assessment actually
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Yea, all you conspiracy theorists around here can be real smart a*ses when you want to be.......But,......I stumped you all on this one! Tough nut to crack,....Heh?????

Hey, I've had about as much fun here as I stand. I gotta' go now....You guys figure it out......No more clues.
Hey Hydrant, I wouldn't mind meeting your friends. lol
Laundry Man,...I have so many great Rams cheerleader stories I could tell .......But nobody would believe me....So,.....I'll leave it at this......If you ever need help getting to your seat through Tunnel #9 at the L.A. Colesium, before the game, and getting back to your car after the game,.......Those girls come in Mighty Handy!.....They even have a wheelchair!..... And....THEY KNOW HOW TO USE IT!!!!

Oh, Baby!!!.....DO THEY EVER KNOW HOW!!!!!
O.K., Obviously you guys need more help on this.......One more clue......The QB in question is playing against the Rams today.....So, with any luck at all his won/lost record will improve to 4-5 later this afternoon...... Bet On It!