Help ID some baseballs autographs?

I need some help in IDing these autos if anyone can help...
First one I have no idea where to begin
Second ball has a bunch of autos. Unfortunately the sweet spot was worn somehow?
I need some help in IDing these autos if anyone can help...
First one I have no idea where to begin
Second ball has a bunch of autos. Unfortunately the sweet spot was worn somehow?
3rd pic is Felix Hernandez and John Jaso. 4th pic is Jason Vargas, Jesus Montero and Kyle seager. 5th pick is Tom Willhelmson and Mike Carp. 6th pic bottom is Justin Smoak. Looks to be a 2012 Mariners team signed ball which leads me to believe the SS worn one is Hishashi Iwakuma possibly.
Felix has an incredible signature.
Many thanks!! Any idea on the single signed ball?