Cris Sale says he will not opt out of his final 2 years of his contract.

in Sports Talk
I don't know whether to laugh or cry about that!
What has he done for us lately that would make us happy to hear that?
Why would he opt out, he is getting paid huge money for doing nothing lol
not surprised at all. has been a terrible contract.
for the Sox.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
$55 million, that's why he won't opt out in his remaining 2 years. With his injuries, his market value has tanked.
Let's see...$55m/324(2 years)/5(5 man rotation)=65. $55m/65 = $ EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY SIX THOUSAND ++ PER START and, he gets yanked in the 6th inning. Somebody please tell me my math is wrong.
Yet another boneheaded contract by the Red Sox, their history of decisions like this is stunning. I'm sure they're so thrilled they let Schwarber get away.
This is why it costs a fortune for a dad to take his one or two kids to any game, when you throw in parking, food and the trinket that kid cries to have, you're down maybe 2 benjamins. Batter up!!
I havent been to fenway since 2007. Way Way too expensive. Plus, the view and food is better in my living room
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
He can pitch batting practice to Rusney Castillo and Pablo Sandoval.
Hell, I haven't even been in Massachusetts since 1992. I guess they haven't turned out the lights there yet. I told them t to when the last person left and I agree the food is better in my kitchen too.
If he doesn't fall off his bike again.
I think Castillo was caught up in a weird catch 22 situation, which I've kinda forgotten about the specifics.
El Sapo Gordo, (the fat toad), was an absolute joke and ripped off the Red Sox for HUGE coin.
You are so right about the view and food being better at home. Let us not forget that parking is free, no line at the men's room, and zero hassle when the game is over, ah, make the ovah.
I recently upgraded to a 65" 4k tv, soundbar and subwoofer, SONOS stuff. The pic is crystal, and the booms BOOM. Watching the Astro/Phillie game was really a treat, in more ways than one.
oh wow, I envy you!! our TV is ok, but nothing too fantastic. Yours sounds Great!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Well, the whole thing cost me a bit over $3k, but the viewing pleasure is worth every penny. Below is my system. I got the tv at Best Buy, and the soundbar and subwoofer from Amazon. 4k is crispy sharp, as you know, it's 4 times the resolution of 1080p and it shows. The soundbar is great, and the subwoofer really adds to the realsim of those deep base tones, you actually feel the deep bass, action movies are great.
I tend to watch documentary stuff, and watched an hour of The History of Ancient Greece yesterday b4 the game. The pic is just off the chart clear, the game was equally as clean.
So, if you ever decide to upgrade, I would highly recommend the following, you will be very impressed!!!