New York Swept

in Sports Talk
Maybe they need to start letting the average Joe back into their ballpark for < $100 again.
Maybe they need to start letting the average Joe back into their ballpark for < $100 again.
Don’t sign Judge. He had one good year, odds are he’ll be his usual injured self going forward.
The end last night was a sad commentary on the New York fans: bottom of the 9th in a one run game and Aaron Judge comes to the plate with the majority of the fans sitting in their seats!! Then when the game ends there's a smattering of boos as the fans unceremoniously file out.
In any other city the fans would be on their feet hollering themselves hoarse, followed by a standing ovation in appreciation for a good season. Not Yankee fans.
IMO, so typical of Yankee fans, totally incapable of accepting defeat and acting like the majority of other sports fans, who appreciate their team's efforts even though they fell short. I wouldn't be surprised to see Judge in another uniform next year.
No doubt a stinger for most, and I hope it stung good!!
Nothing like watching the Yankees dominate all season and their fand believing they would do the same in the Post Season lol
Have another meaningless awesome season NY lol
Where will Judge end up for next season?
He obviously is not welcome in NY!
I would love to see Colorado. Think how far some of his homers would go.
That would be quite a sight to see him bat there!
In the late 80's early 90's the Indians had a AAA team in Colorado. They would promote players who'd be hitting like Babe Ruth only to watch them hit like Pee Wee Reese down at sea level.
Hitting homers in half your at bats leaves you at 81 for the year.
That's half your games, not at bats.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Either way works.
I wouldn't say dominating all season. they had an excellent start to the first 100 games and then the wheels wobbled. the Yankees had magic early on. hits and runs for comeback wins. didn't they go 3-19 at some point later? the highlight was judge all season. I didn't expect a sweep but they were more vulnerable at the end than their year on record indicated. with the way it started I thought 100 win year no problem, but they couldn't do that and it showed in the post-season
Only team in mlb history to lose five straight ALCS series.