So, Robert Kraft got married last Saturday.

in Sports Talk
Among several NFL stars there, was Tom Brady, who, I might add should perhaps have been more focused on the upcoming game and his team, he ditched the team walk through, as Tom chose to attend the wedding, the game was lost and now he's berating his players for not making plays. I think Tom may be losing it around the edges. Sad to see such a talent appear to implode, not only with on field performance, but off field personal issues. Perhaps Tom sees the "i" in team.
I wonder what it cost Kraft to have Elton John, Jon Bon Jovi, Ed Sheeran and Meek Mill perform? Must be nice to have that kind of money to spend on your new year bride. Kraft being 81, she being 47, ahhhhh, true love.
........ Must be nice to have that kind of money to spend on your new year bride. Kraft being 81, she being 47, ahhhhh, true love.
Well, if worse comes to worse,.....we peasants can always hope!
👴 👰
i was wondering when someone was going to bring this up
as i told an esteemed poster from this forum in private, had Brady immediately retired after winning a ring with Tampa, it would have been a GOAT decision and GOAT timing and left an absolute GOAT taste in everyone's mouth
now the walls of his life are starting to crumble both on and and off the field and he's heading toward an inglorious exit
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
A Tiger Woods end to his career
... .... had Brady immediately retired after winning a ring with Tampa, it would have been a GOAT decision and GOAT timing and left an absolute GOAT taste in everyone's mouth
Dandy Sandy......
I don't know who this woman is, but these relationships always make me very suspicious.
Better yet?......The gut is obvious....But....WHO'S BOOBS ARE BIGGER?!?!?!?!

Players' salaries are trumpeted widely but we never see the wealth figures for the guys who sign their paychecks.
It's hilarious if Kraft thinks this woman actually loves him
I love me some Tommy, but that was a really bad look on his part. If you are not going to show for the walkthrough, dont be yelling at the line during the game.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.