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Long Beach, Walkthrough grading service questions

Oct 11, 2022, 04:45 PDT after many attempts of trying to contact them, on the 6th day they responded, I responded but got auto replies, then on the 7th day, I'm like↓↓↓

So upon further thinking, I'm thinking I should post on the forums and find out what everyone thinks about the grading questions I have.

Hey all good morning/day :)

Long time no post lol the famous disappearing act,, well the funny thing is that I went to my first Long Beach show and let the story begin. :)

I had the 1793 inline to be graded and I kinda blew it but that was par for the course 🤣,,, I mentioned that everyone thinks it's fake, what should I submit it as "PCGS responded a token" so that didn't happen, one good thing is of all the people I showed the "token" lol to nobody said altered color or on my 1899 IHC, they did say fake without even hardly looking at it and then would proceed to get defensive upon hearing my story,, which technically it's not mine it's in Breen's book.

So I dug real fast for my 1834 half dime and played the oh and they said this was fake also,, which they played right into it hardly even looking and agreeing it's fake,, oh geeze once they heard it had been verified by Mr Lange body language and demeanor went threw the roof and I could sense I was unwelcome.

So I left the show and went back to my truck and unloaded all of my coins except the W Quarters for i had decided to get them graded, well if only it was that easy cause when selecting my preferred grading services I googled PCGS's Walkthrough vs others and had come to the conclusion that walkthrough was the best,, very first thing the PCGS customer representatives said is that this is the most expensive option and only people who are going for the top grades get this service are you sure along with are you sure 160k is your estimated value of your coins, oh they went further and grabbed a calculator and said 28k per coin are you sure, to which i responded yes but not every coin is worth that i think I might have a Ms 69 and that would be a game changer.

So my order was in 7x Walkthrough grading service selected and we were on our way of finding out if I was right or wrong.

So I get an email and all my coins are way under my lowest expectations and the first thing I thought was did they get switched out or something I mean dang I was so wrong this would've went in my book. Lol if I had one I mean. 4x 66 2x 65 and one 64, so much for my comparisons right.

So now that I'm thinking all this it's time to collect my coins and instantly the PCGS reps say make sure it's $150 again even after all the hoop la, kinda strange almost like it wasn't an option but they wanted to make sure I was paying top dollar, I didn't know what I know now but the paperwork says show standard grading service,, boom 🤯 mind blown,,,, I didn't get what I paid for.

Then I'll enter our communication 😜

So I reached out to PCGS to explain my feelings and their response was epic,, keep in mind I paid for Walkthrough service which comes with a 2 day turn around with the best grading services.


Thank you for reaching out to PCGS Customer Care. We would be glad to assist you with this inquiry.

The walkthrough service is the same as the standard show service. We put it as standard service to get your coins to be processed faster.

I have attached a snippet of our U.S Show form to show you that the charges were accurate.

If you happen to have any other questions. Please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you.

Deleted name :)
PCGS Customer Service
PS the snippet they sent didn't work

Hmmm 🤔, so the discounted show standard is the same as top tier Walkthrough services at a discount?,
Did something change with "Walkthrough" to where it no longer has the same turnaround time and had to be marked show standard grading services to be processed faster?

What do you all think?

Did I pay for services not rendered?

If it's the same, why was I allowed to pay extra for the same grading services?

Instead of the snide $150 remarks for a grading service that you all knew I wasn't gonna receive, why didn't someone stop me?

Thanks again, I know this isn't a normal kind of post.


  • ifthevamzarockinifthevamzarockin Posts: 8,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

    "What do you all think?"

    It sounds like you paid some tuition. :D

    "Did I pay for services not rendered?"

    No, PCGS doesn't charge for services they don't render.

    "Instead of the snide $150 remarks for a grading service that you all knew I wasn't gonna receive, why didn't someone stop me?"

    When you are sure you are smarter than everyone on the forum how are we supposed to stop you?
    Everyone tried to tell you that you are full of s _ _ _ but you wouldn't listen.

    "I know this isn't a normal kind of post."

    None of your posts are normal. ;)

    Why didn't you just insist you were right and that no one at the show knows what they are talking about? :D

  • SlickCoinsSlickCoins Posts: 658 ✭✭✭

    So I figured more was needed, I thought I was paying for a higher grading, upon taking my worst,, let's begin, also I do dip though I think I didn't this coin, I don't polish.

    My MS-64


  • SlickCoinsSlickCoins Posts: 658 ✭✭✭
    edited October 15, 2022 8:35AM

    Just the back side alone, JMO
    Oh and her leg, one small chop in her hair, the tree gouge is huge.
    Also the details on her back have been polished away.
    What happened to the L in Land?

  • ifthevamzarockinifthevamzarockin Posts: 8,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Are you trying to make a point or ask a question? :D
    Or do you even know?

  • SlickCoinsSlickCoins Posts: 658 ✭✭✭
    edited October 15, 2022 8:44AM

    Also I'm not saying anyone is wrong I'm just voicing my opinion, I'm not saying the dealers at the show were wrong either or the PCGS reps or Anacs or EAC, if I talked with you at the show I'm not saying you're wrong :) I think that covers it.
    I'm the one full of questions, I'm not trying to change anything or say anyone is wrong.

    To me these are valid questions
    Thanks again all :) hope all is well

  • SlickCoinsSlickCoins Posts: 658 ✭✭✭

    So let's see what happens to the nose if you polished this coin.

  • ifthevamzarockinifthevamzarockin Posts: 8,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @SlickCoins said:
    So let's see what happens to the nose if you polished this coin.

    Okay, send it to me and I will polish the nose for you. ;)

    I will say it again.... Are you trying to make a point or ask a question? :D

  • SlickCoinsSlickCoins Posts: 658 ✭✭✭
    edited October 15, 2022 9:32AM

    Ok yes right to the point, I feel I was undergraded big-time.
    If you'd like I can show all 7 of my coins and prove it.
    Whatcha think to my statement?
    Another question, do you feel I got what I paid for? @$150 per coin.

  • ifthevamzarockinifthevamzarockin Posts: 8,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

    "Ok yes right to the point, I feel I was undergraded big-time."

    Grading is weighted slightly heaver on the obverse and there is a good chance the larger contact marks on the obverse of both of the coins you are showing caused the lower grade.

    I sent a bunch of W quarters in and I could show you a MS-66 that is better than a MS-67.
    It may be a case of 2 different graders looking at the coins or just an oversite.

  • ifthevamzarockinifthevamzarockin Posts: 8,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

    "Another question, do you feel I got what I paid for? $150 per coin."

    You elected to do a walkthrough and that is the cost, you should have sent them in or submitted them under the economy grading and waited a little time to get them back. This was your choice.

    You said: "very first thing the PCGS customer representatives said is that this is the most expensive option and only people who are going for the top grades get this service are you sure along with are you sure 160k is your estimated value of your coins"

    It sounds like the PCGS rep went out of the way to try to tell you this was not the best option for you or your coins.
    Once again if you don't listen to what you are being told it's your problem.
    You had already decided that a walkthrough was best so you didn't listen to what a professional was telling you. ;)

    "Walkthrough vs others and had come to the conclusion that walkthrough was the best"

  • giantsfan20giantsfan20 Posts: 1,593 ✭✭✭✭

    @SlickCoins Could you post pictures of the other W quarters you submitted?

  • SlickCoinsSlickCoins Posts: 658 ✭✭✭
    edited October 16, 2022 7:53AM

    So hmmm 🤔 my ultimate point is if they undergraded my worst coin @$150 well that would mean one of two things in my opinion.

    Number One:

    Safe grading service, which is pretty much like not even grading but guessing I'm my opinion.
    Safe grading aka I paid $1050 and my coins are worth with the grades given $1050.
    MS-66 @$200 give or take, MS-65 $100, MS-64 $50. Hmmm 🤔 most would probably cut their losses in my opinion.

    Number Two:

    Since we actively give grades on the go, we assume nobody will do cross referencing or do side by side comparisons, almost like you'd need a computer in your camera or I should say picture/image to compare to PCGS's professional pictures which have been assigned a professional Numismatic grade,, wink wink hey Google :)
    In turn some coins are, not all but some are being undergraded by default regardless of what the customer paid.

    My point is I didn't do all this for safe grading aka here's your slab, yes I made a choice to drive to Cali 30hrs round-trip and I also made a choice for the more expensive grading versus the 10 coin discount @$700, which now I'm thinking would've been the same result, I mean I paid more and got less.

    So I'll study my MS-66 to see if the same safe grading applies to them, if they are that's in the neighborhood of $3200 just for the 4 W Quarters, which I won't lie I assumed that the worst my very best would get was MS 67, the other 3 W Quarters I didn't think would score high but I'm ruff on grading so I thought let's see.

    The point of everything is that I'm taking a loss for the very first time on my W Quarters and in my book that's unacceptable. :)

    So that was my point.
    Thanks all
    Yes sir I'll post em

  • SlickCoinsSlickCoins Posts: 658 ✭✭✭
    edited October 16, 2022 8:00AM

    Oh I googled walkthrough versus other grading and it linked me here to which you all said was the best. :)
    Also I do listen to a bunch you all say and respect it for face value.

  • SlickCoinsSlickCoins Posts: 658 ✭✭✭

    Here are my MS-66 X4

    Thanks all

  • ifthevamzarockinifthevamzarockin Posts: 8,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

    You keep saying "Safe Grading" ..... do you mind telling me what that is?

  • SlickCoinsSlickCoins Posts: 658 ✭✭✭
    edited October 17, 2022 7:56AM

    Well I hope it doesn't exist and I did make it up, I think I found our answer why I feel the way I do,

    I'll explain more this safe/speedy grading opinion, it's not real I hope but this is what I was thinking, I spent $1050 coins were graded and the total worth of all was my cost of grading service, which totally got me thinking did I get glanced over and graded or actually compared to the grades I was gonna receive to confirm grade of said coin.

    So in that paragraph I explained two aspects, one takes more time and would validate the extra charge in my opinion.

    Safe grading in my opinion would be where you glance and make sure it's at a minimum,, kinda like what I did saying the 4 in my opinion would be graded at worst MS-67 that was my safe grade.

    Then my brain started thinking 🤔 and here we go,

    So I think I understand now why they say only dip certain coins,,, for it uncovers the smallest of everything from removing clear grease which sometimes can be dirty:

    Question on the internet @ https://www.numismaticnews.net/

    I’ve noticed some kind of grease on the coins I’ve taken from new rolls. Any idea of the source?

    You will frequently find clear grease, and often very dirty grease, adhering to new coins that has been deposited on the coins during the minting process. Since this can contain damaging contaminants, it’s a good idea to remove it with a neutral solvent before storing your coins.

    And here we are,,,, lol I'm running with scissors
    Yeah so now it's never gonna change from unforeseen containments but I probably uncovered the unseen microscopic at a cost, it's one new reasoning for my grades.
    Everything comes at a cost, knowledge has its own price.

    This explains why someone would mist their coin with something to hide it and well to me that's cheating, along with the dirt or patina that hides it falls into this category and I would never sell anything with any foreign containments to where your coin could change on you.

    Thanks all

  • ifthevamzarockinifthevamzarockin Posts: 8,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

  • SlickCoinsSlickCoins Posts: 658 ✭✭✭

    Good morning/day all :)
    So I thought 🤔 lol there was my problem 😃

    I thought I pretty much had retired on my W's at least for now willing to accept my resolve.

    Here we are in the next chapter of my coin venture.

    Right to the point as some would say:

    Hello SlickCoins,

    I apologize for the delayed response!

    I understand it can be frustrating not receiving the grades you were expecting, but please be assured that our graders are some of the best in the field and it is very rare for them to make mistakes during their grading process.

    I also understand you are confused about the services and I would like to provide some clarity on this:

    All orders are processed the exact same way once the grader is verifying the coins the service level does not determine the grade outcome.

    If we provided you the walkthrough service, then we would of not been able to provide you the grading that same day and for you to pick up the coins after the show.

    Please understand that our walkthrough service and our standard show service are same as pricing, and go through the same grading system that we provide to all our customers, but they are different. Walkthrough does not provide you grading and show pick while show standard provides the grading and for you to pick up your coins after the show.

    If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you.

    It did say my name Eric :)
    Geeze talk about poking the ram 🐏 😂 while eating grass.

    So of course I had to respond:

    Oh I've been making my case on the forums,, pointing out your only graded Ms 64+ is polished in my side by side comparisons vs my 64,,,, shall I do the side by side comparisons?

    In my opinion you just opened that door 🚪 and once again it's time for SlickCoins to prove my case fully online for us all :)

    Unhappy about my grades received is an understatement 😁

    Let's see after my side by side comparisons after all I'm the new guy,, I could be wrong.


    Then I didn't read the part where I didn't receive Walkthrough grading service: oh I broke

    I've gotta share this minus your name :(

    Nov 3, 2022, 09:01 PDT

    I just saw that you said my grading was different, I drove all that way for this

    Nov 3, 2022, 09:00 PDT

    WOW is alli can say

    I deleted my name only and left typos 😂

    Then I knew I hadn't said enough:

    Nov 3, 2022, 18:41 PDT

    Yeah I knew something was up, I felt it.
    Seeing a polished coin receive a better grade than my worst pushed me into my grading opinions of what you all do over there.

    Hearing rumors of people who stayed next door to you all and they couldn't sleep cause all the banging and clanging.

    When I say WOW is all I can say I mean that is messed up in my opinion, I totally understand the thinking it would take more time to grade when not using my formula, which I explained in my post,,, Safe Grading aka guessing :) oh it's an epic post.

    If you look at my other posts some might triumph where others don't,, in a way I think that's why the hostile responses, my questioning or my knowledge.

    Anyways I'll get the pictures together :) might be awhile since real life stuff.

    Thanks again
    To be continued...

  • OldhoopsterOldhoopster Posts: 2,930 ✭✭✭✭✭

    So you're saying that PCGS under graded your coins because they weren't good enough for their walkthrough service? Is that correct?

    Member of the ANA since 1982
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