Mario Lemieux

in Sports Talk
Who can look at the front of this card and tell us something interesting on it pertaining to Mario Lemieux and hockey history.
My first instin
ct was to say that he's sitting next to someone who wouldn't have his own rookie card until the next year....but I don't think that is it. Then I did some brain storming, and came up with it I think. Googled it, think I am right. I will PM you.
no face mask
1948-76 Topps FB Sets
FB & BB HOF Player sets
1948-1993 NY Yankee Team Sets
the very first thing that popped into my head was the year 1866 being meaningful to the sport of hockey (combine the jersey numbers)
i looked it up and that was the year a revolutionary ice skate was patented -- the Acme Spring Skate
it helped popularize ice hockey all over the world
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
OP confirmed l, via PM, that I figured it out. It's not everyday that I do that. I'm marking this day on my calendar. Not sure what to label it though.
I was at show in the early mid 90's and these little kids said, "hey dad can we go look for some Mario La-Mex"
yeah I thought that was kind of cool how they said that...
Good job
Also in 1866
And now everyone was free to ice skate !!!