Rams/Cowboy Game....Best Part!!!

So, I got to my seat about 45 minutes before the kickoff......No Hydrants were anywhere to be seen.....BUT!.......A very attractive young lady was there and she was sitting in MY SEAT!....I told her that she had to move. She asked me, "WHERE?" I told her that she could sit in the next seat over but not in my seat!.....Then her boyfriend showed up......Bummer!.....THEN!!!....Two more hot chicks showed up!....They were gorgeous specimens of the female type!!.... And they sat down on the other side of me!......Sweet Baby Jesus!.....I've died and gone to Heaven!!!!!......Anyway, during the game, I told Lovely Hydrant Daughter-In-Law, Monica, that it's really hot in the stadium......She said,"That's because you're surrounded by hot chicks!".....So, on the way home from the game I mentioned to the Lovely Mrs. Hydrant that those three girls were really pretty. Who were they???....She said, "Where have you been?....Weren't you listening?... They were Cincinnati cheerleaders."...... Oh, right, that explains it......Then I asked her who that boyfriend guy was. She told me that he was an ex-pitcher for the Reds......and added, " Where have you been?!?!".......Oh, Well........He was so scrawny who would have guessed?..... All in all it was a fabulous afternoon!.......
Go Bengals..... Cheerleaders That Is... 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
We really need a disagree button on the forum, because the hottest thing at that game wasn't the Bengals cheerleaders, it was Cooper Rush, getting a victory for my Cowboys. Oh my goodness, nice game management!
Do you remember the disagree button?
@hydrant were these women sitting in your seats throughout the game?
Yes. They were the Hydrant families guests at the game. The guy who is the ex-pitcher for the Reds is a friend of my second oldest son. He brought along his entourage. Oooh La La! 💃💃💃! I just found out last night that he is working at Hydrant Central Command. I never get down there much anymore since my beautiful secretary left. 👩🏫 Just wasn't fun anymore. No point in going....Hopefully he and his gal pals will be invited back on a regular basis. 🙏 I left the game with 3 minutes remaining on the clock. On the way home The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant told me that Cheerleader #1asked her, "Is he leaving because he's mad about the Rams losing?...I wanted to say goodbye!" "No." The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant replied, "He just wants to go out to the car and drink a beer.....He could less who wins or loses."....... That girl knows me!......But,......Next time the Cheering Squad shows up 🙏 I'm sticking it out to the bitter end.....Hoping for a sweet goodbye! 💋 Sweet Baby Jesus!....Those girls were pretty! 😵
Sounds like you have an interesting dynamic and lifestyle with your wife. Mrs. Thisistheshow has no time for floosies. lol
ETA: And I am probably on an island here, but I don't either. Not only do I not engage in conversation with that type, but I would not want to. Not mentally stimulating. But like I said, that's me. That goes for men or women. As Bukowski said, and I am paraphrasing...beware any woman who was never anything but young.
No, sadly I wasn't around then. Those were my rebel years, when I made it a point to break society's rules at least once a day.
@hydrant I hope my above post is not taken the wrong way. I'm leaving it there because I'm really just joking around and no harm was meant. But sometimes I type things on here and they don't go over correctly.
Showboat, You should be so lucky!....

Truth is,....It is an "Interesting dynamic and lifestyle."...... Right now I actually do have a side squeeze!..... Ongoing for four years! The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant understands and takes it all in stride. She knows that I have a weakness for pretty girls.....It is what it is.....Fortunately, my other girl is The Lovely Mrs. Hydrants best friend! They do everything together...... It's A mutual understanding.......
My Two Girls...
Up On Cripple Creek She Sends Me
If I Spring A Leak She Mends Me
I Don't Have To Think She Defends Me
A Drunkards Dream If I Ever Did See One
My Gal Knows How To Swing!
Life Is Good......Jim Dandy!
Don't over think things Showboat...... It's not brain healthy..... Just roll with the flow.....
Row Row Row Your Boat

Gently Down The Stream
Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily
Life Is But A Dream
I'll try to clear things up......
The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant™ learned swinging from Great Granny...
It Runs In The Family
Don't Mess With The Hydrant Women!
Just Sayin'