1818 8 Reales with British Honduras Counterstamp - Legit or Counterfeit

I got this coin several years ago at auction and forgot about it until refunding it. I have seen and heard of many counterfeit Counter-stamps, what do readers think?
Love that Milled British (1830-1960)
Well, just Love coins, period.
Well, just Love coins, period.
No idea about the counterstamp, but the host coin shows a few red flags that would warrant closer inspection and measurement.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Stamp looks okay but the photo is not great. None of these stamps are truly “real” as they aren’t from an actual government authority and are thought to be a private merchant stamp of some kind, although they do appear quite frequently for that to be the case in addition to there being several different types of the GR stamp.
Thanks, here’s a couple more pictures. My cat knocked the OHaus scale on to the floor and have to readjust later today:
Well, just Love coins, period.
Weight: 26.67 gm. which appears slightly on the low side of the 27.07 gms according to google, though to be honest the coin is a bit worn.
Well, just Love coins, period.
Thanks for the additional pics. I'm leaning likely genuine at this point for the host.
8 Reales Madness Collection
And thanks for your opinion Sir!
Well, just Love coins, period.