Does anyone know how I determine current value?

3000 Hit club Autographed Baseball with LOA from THE Edge Man in Dallas TX
3000 Hit club Autographed Baseball with LOA from THE Edge Man in Dallas TX
Looks similar to this one
Hmmm I looked up the individual autograph by name amounts and Willie Mays range is $150-200 by itself so guess I don't understand how ball would be worth less than one of the autographs on it...can you tell me where you found that post?? Thank you for taking the time to reply. Have a great day!
I would just be careful. Why haven't they had the ball authenticated by a real company that specializes in doing so, like PSA DNA or JSA?
Late 60's and early to mid 70's non-sports
that was ebay sold item
That ball sold in that listing for so little because it did not have legitimate authentication. Your ball doesn't have legitimate authentication either. Right now your ball is only considered to be signed multiple times by The Edge Man
Have it authenticated by PSA, JSA or Beckett, then it can go to a legit auction like Heritage and bring in the proper bucks. Probably wait for for a few more to kick the bucket to maximize price.
Thanks everyone had this ball since 1999 not sure how long PSA been around since appraiser back then never mentioned. I never seen the halogram PSA sticker looking thing that proved authenticated so I guess I need to find PSA local location and get it done huh thanks for all the info everyone
@smallstocks I had this since 1999 no one ever told me to do that ha ha ha thanks for the info ☺️
@RufussCkingston thanks for the info..out of curiosity how long has PSA been around..weird that appraiser never told me to get authenticated he only told me The Edge Man was reputable well known.. like the LOA was all I needed ha ha ha this is my first post in here so excuse my ignorance I will blame it on blonde moment ha ha
@coinspacks thanks for taking the time to look it up for me 🤗
PSA has been around since 1991, so 31 years
Just a change in the buying public's habits. Now its either authenticated or Fake/worth way less...
That's not a good way to determine a multiple signed item.
When balls were legitimately signed in the past authentication was not even provided. Since it became more important, the seller would issue their own since they weren't going to send them to PSA and wait for them to get back.
Ball now should be PSA checked if you want to maximize value.
@RufussCkingston are you saying people just mail potentially valuable items to random that requires more trust than I can achieve...I will definitely take your advice and go figure out how to get it authenticated and learn where to sell it. Thanks again for info take care
Ehh.... "random" is not exactly the proper term when it is to the address of a vetted authenticator. But yes, making sure it gets there and gets accounted for is sort of another thing, but usually taken care of by proper packaging and shipping service level and carrier.... Insurance level probably wouldn't count in your case since you'd never be able to file a claim since it was unauthenticated and you could really only claim your original cost, not hypothetical current value.
I have been buying (and a little selling) through the mail for over 30 years and have had virtually zero problems.
Of course it's always possible for an item to get lost or to get scammed.
@JoeBanzai thanks for info I have no experience in this arena lol Wish me luck I won this ball as grand prize at event in party suites @ Colorado Rockies game. Will be interesting to see how much it is worth it is authentic box suites owner is big time baseball guy.. take care