Do most coin collectors have OCD?

I know I do what about you? How does it affect your collecting habits?
I can't stand damage to coin holders (NGC/PCGS) or coins with muck on them. I prefer lower grades with original look and have great eye appeal over high graded coins.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Well, there is a difference between clinical OCD and regular old "obsession". I'd say most collectors don't have OCD, but people with OCD might find some constructive outlet for their obsessive behaviour though coin collecting. Many collectors, on the other hand, could easily be classified as "obsessive".
In the same way, lots of people with Asperger's Syndrome also become coin collectors, but most people who collect coins don't have Asperger's, either.
Speaking for myself, I try to be as non-obsessive about my collecting as possible. I don't feel the need to "complete a set", for example. If "eclectic" is the opposite of "obsessive", in the collecting sense, then my collecting style is "eclectic".
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
If you prefer lower grades with originally that have great eye appeal why do you buy details coins ?
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
I include that grade in lower grades I enjoy owning (up to say XF-45 is were I stop most of the time) I know some feel differently but to me they are fun to collect. Long term of course better grades will perform better but that is a game I can't afford to play. Even if I could I prefer circulated coins just love their look always have. It is what attracts me to a coin. I can't change that its my nature.
Just as you prefer mint state coins it is just who you are nothing wrong with that way of collecting either (of course buying mint state coins is a smarter way to collect but for me this is not about money just fun). You have fun and I have fun just polar opposites in our tastes. But at least we both have fun that is the whole point of a hobby.
I know you mean good and trying to be helpful guiding me towards higher grades but that is not my taste.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Not higher grades
Detail coins usually don’t have originality
Why not collect lower grade coins with originality ?
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Just like them they have that look that draws me to them. I don't know how better to explain it. It is like some people are attracted to certain type of women/men just the way it is. I don't fight it. It is what it is and I simply accept it. Even when I collected Canadian coins for 20 years I preferred coins in VG-08 to VF-20 (problem free with great eye appeal for the grade). I expanded my grades since the countries I now collect are harder to come by. I don't really like EF-40 to EF-45 but draw my line there for world coins.
If I was doing this for long term value I would buy the best I can afford but this is just a hobby to me and if I get happiness out of it that is the value I cherish the most.
What draws you to mint state coins? Can't just be for investment reasons must be more to it than that? Maybe legendary status been known for the best of the best plays a role? For me that means nothing I do it for myself and myself only. Again nothing wrong with that either if that is part of why you do what you do.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
A graphical representation of what bidask is saying looks like this:

What we're saying is, of course you should buy what your attracted to and you should stick to buying what you can afford. It's just that perhaps you could acquire a straight graded original coin vs a details graded coin that, more than likely, isn't original.
It seems that perhaps some of us here are using the term "original" differently than you may be using it or at least differently from how you think about its numismatic meaning.
Its possible that I'm misinterpreting what you've tried to explain here but its coming across that you enjoy the look of a circulated coin as opposed to high grade examples. That's great, many people enjoy the look of a circulated coin.
However, what folks are trying to say is that you can buy a coin that has seen circulation yet retains originality (across a spectrum of grades) and avoid circulated coins that have "issues" and reside in a Details holder. Circulated yes, original not likely.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
We all collect what we enjoy. I am fine with what I own but yes numerical graded coins are also my goal for most coins from Mexico in the series I collect except the more expensive coins. Some other nations I rather own an example than none at all since they are much harder to locate in any grade.
I am so new into this only 2 years so far I don't even own 10 coins total yet. I would say it is 40/60 numerical vs authentic. I will be adding about 2-4 coins per year so this will be a long time build.
I have no one to leave these coins to when I will get older and I have zero intentions of selling any of them. Profits are not my goal this is just a hobby I enjoy that is what matters to me most. I am not looking for greatness that will not happen not on my budget but I can enjoy a hobby in the way I am doing things now and that means a whole lot to me.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Sounds good, you should carry on and enjoy your collection as you see fit.
We each collect, what and how we like, for our OWN enjoyment.
Best Regards!
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
I am still young enough that I will be able to build a decent collection over time. Will buy numerical if I can if not then a mix of both.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I don"t think I am OCD (but am not sure). My wife sure is.
While I totally agree, I just wanted to add this here:
If you collect Mexico 1732 milled coinage (pillars), you aren’t going to be able to buy much that isn’t “Details” graded. Especially if you want the “no assayer, no denomination” varieties.
I bought the Rudman 1732 “no assayer” set, and despite being Details-graded and fairly ugly (particularly the 2R), they are among the best available. Not my first choice, but probably my only choice.
Just buy them raw. Then you can buy the coins you like without caring what a TPG thinks.
I try to collect the highest grades I can still afford and find.
1.) Main collection= current best graded ones.
2.) Rejection collection= contains duplicates that got upgraded and taken out from main collection.
Those: cleaned or hair-lined or not AU-MS coins.
I never buy toned coins. Toning is corrosion. No matter what color it is.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Toning is corrosion...I can not disagree. No matter what the color is......It does matter to many people who are not color blind!! RSP