Cancelation dots on stamp

in Stamps Forum
Do these dots form a letter referencing a month or state? Is it in fact a cancelation? Thanks
A "perfin".
They can be company names or other letters, etc.
Companies did this to their stamps to discourage theft.
@JBK I appreciate that .im going to dig deeper into these and find out what it's worth
It is a perfin. Unfortunately, the stamp itself is very common and it is unlikely the perfin will add much, if any, value.
"perfins." The name combines the words "perforated initials" or "perforated insignia." and until now, reading here, I called them pre-cancelled stamps. Good to learn something new and it's only 7:30 AM! From my collection, a favorite.
Found it: New York University Society perfin UNV SOC
Very nice stamp...Great information and post...
Perfins are an area that never seems to get as much attention as it should. The Parcel Post stamp you show looks very fresh and well centered.
Thanks for feedback !