Judge gets 61

in Sports Talk
While waiting for the Guardins game in a raiin delay was watching Aaron Judge hit #61
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
"RAIIN" - OH GOD - the spelling police will be knocking on my door tonight - Say hello to my little friend -
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Congratulations to him
Would be great if he hit 66. Upside down of his uniform #99.
62 tonight - obviously not getting 65 ???? 2 games to go....... do Home runs count for playoff games or just regular season?
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Congratulations to Aaron Judge for hitting number 62, passing Roger Maris, and doing the right way. Here's the historic home run for anyone who missed it.
It's sad that Judge won't get the recognition he deserves as the all time official single season home run king, because he is, and real baseball fans know it, that's why this story has been covered the way it has. I will never understand how people can condone the steroid era and tell their kids that this is the right way to play the game.
Bonds is king.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ohio State Buckeyes - National Champions
I think they said it pretty well in this video, what most of us were feeling while following this story and when he hit number 62. Again, I take my hat off to Aaron Judge for doing it the right way, and kids that play the game today can look up to him, the right way to do things.
How sure are we Aaron Judge is not using any form of PED?
we know that the chemists are always ahead of the testers.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
while there is no hard evidence against Judge, there is an indicator that is commonly used in bodybuilding to differentiate between natural and enhanced competitors: fat free mass index. there have been studies between known natural and steroid using bodybuilders. the absolute tippy top of natty builders is at 25 ffmi. in the study I looked at, all the steroid users exceeded 25 ffmi and a few even made it all the way to 30!
in 2017, Judge was 6'7" 275 with 9% body fat. that placed him at 28.4 ffmi! that is EXTREMELY high. 5 years later, his is listed at 280. If he were a professional bodybuilder with that number, EVERYONE would consider him a PED user.
like i said, this is not hard evidence, but it sure is a strong indicator of PED use. it is very hard to beat biology. he could be a one in a billion athlete who is naturally able to produce a 28.4 number, but it is VERY unlikely
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
As far as I know, he has never been linked to the use of PEDs or failed any drug tests. If it turns out later in the future that he was using, then I certainly retract my congratulations to him. I guess only time will tell, MLB needs to drug test everyone regularly so there can be no doubts.
reading up on it a little i found that MLB stopped all blood tests for hgh for the pandemic. that has given players 2 1/2 years to use hgh at will. also, i found that with new steroids/testosterone, athletes are able to "micro dose" for the period of time they are actually working out and the substance is back to acceptable levels within 6-8 hours. there are even PED lozenges that can be used for micro dosing along with cremes and gels.
to think the modern athlete is not doping is folly. the things i read about are no doubt just the tip of the iceburg. I am sure there are new designer PED and dosing regiments that are currently undetectable.
I in no way mean to single out Aaron Judge. I am sure this is happening across the board and has been for a very long time.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
congrats to Judge and innocent until proven guilty, but if you have been following baseball for any length of time, then you know just how foolish it is to underestimate how predisposed MLB players are to circumventing the rules
fool me once, shame on you. fool me 10 times, shame on.............wait, that didn't happened because i stopped watching many times ago
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I have seen news reports about the person who caught homerun ball #62. The reports state that this person is going to hold onto the ball, even though he could sell it and obtain a sale price of $2,000,000.00 (where did that # come from???).
Homerun ball #62 may in fact be worth substantial money now and in the future. However, value is fleeting and the current value may in fact crater and crash if:
By the end of game #162 (which ends the regular season) Aaron Judge hits one or more additional home runs.
If he hits #63 or more, that homerun ball will be the one that has substantial value. Homerun ball #62 in that case would lose substantial value.