Kyler Murray or Tom Brady ?

in Sports Talk
knew you'd look
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
knew you'd look
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
No I didn't.
even brought sun-dried brick out of hibernation
damn it feels good to be a gangsta
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I didn't look either, I just came here to post a diagram of Jim Harbaugh's khakis.
I looked 🤣🤣🤣

I don't know.....

Or, Tommy......

Maybe it all depends on if you're a one woman man or you like to play the field!!!!!...... You be the judge...Galixco!
Honestly, IMHO,.....they're both in the same is a " Has Been" and the other is a "Never Will Be.". ....Same Difference....They're both going down.......

If this was for real, I was going to not respond but instead PM @galaxy27 and get into it a little. 🤣
This should be the edited version. This one might have been in your wheelhouse based on my observations, but I'm not sure. 🤷
I was debating about picking Kyler Murray but apparently he wasn't tall enough to enjoy this roller-coaster ride with Tom so some random dude got to go instead. 😎

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