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Possible 1975 no S proof coin?

I did the reflection test of moving a pen above the coin to see if you can see a reflection and I can see it but I cannot see it on the others that I have. I also don’t know how accurate that test is. Any feedback would be super helpful or any other tests to tell if it is a proof coin would be amazing!! Thank you so much!



  • lcutlerlcutler Posts: 595 ✭✭✭✭

    That sure looks like a regular business strike to me. Others will be along with more info I am sure.

  • Thank you! Is there a way to test if you have a proof coin or not?

  • lcutlerlcutler Posts: 595 ✭✭✭✭

    No real test, you just have to look for proof characteristics. Sharp squared rims and crisp clear details. Mirror surface fields are another. I don't see any of those on this coin. Normal rims, typical somewhat weak strike on IN GOD WE TRUST. While the fields are quite smooth, I wouldn't call them mirror. Really, the only way one of these no S proof coins is going to show up is in a proof set. They were not released into circulation. While proof coins do occasionally show up in circulation, this is usually the result of either a collector or dealer just dumping them into circulation because a proof set was broken up to obtain one of the other coins in the set. This would mean a collector or dealer would have to overlook an extreme rarity and put it into circulation.

  • Thank you so much!

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