Back from my Greek cruise. A few pics and a nice blackjack win!

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Greece was great, with the exception of getting sick a few days before the cruise ended. After getting home, we did a home kit covid test and we hit the jackpot, as we are both covid + as of last Friday. I thought the 9.5 hour flight from Barcelona was never gonna end, then clearing customs in Atlanta was a thrill in itself. They make you walk close to a half mile and then face a zig zag que to clear passport control. Nice to be home.
I will say, Santorini was the best, here are a few pics and one special blackjack pic that will speak for itself. I won this in the first two days, and never played again during the cruise.
The Santorini Caldera looking north
Oia view
Blackjack win
Welcome back. Glad you had a great time.
My nieces went to Greece this year. They had a great time. They were to have gone in 2020, but covid put that into a 2 year delay.
Outstanding write up Al!
Sounds like you guys had a great time. I'm happy you guys had a safe trip. Ofcourse it sucks getting covid, I hope you guys recover fast!
Nice poker chips!
Nice win!
Covid sucks, get well quick!
Greece is a nice take, I was there in 1958.
Do they still let you walk through the parthenon?
thank you for the pics and write up. I love travel and will be adding Greece to my list now. How did you find the air quality? I have read on some travel forums that it can be a bit overwhelming at times. Sorry you came down with Covid. I am just getting over it myself. I hope you have a mild strain.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
You'll appreciate wins were cumulative over a 2 day period. One seating I was down $450 in less than 10 minutes. Another seating, I won $650 in less than 10 minutes. Another time I was down to my last $75 and made a $1.5k comeback, my $75 doubledowns couldn't lose all of a sudden. I just decided to get off the roller coaster and lock up the win.
As for the Parthenon, I don't know, I was on a different excursion that was an overview of Athens and then free time in the Plaka.
We had perfect weather and I found no issues with air qualifty. The traffic in Athens is INSANE, they let motorcycles ride between cars, too much traffic. I would recommend a cruise on Celebrity when you go, easy tenders to port and always a nice place to sleep and eat at the end of the day. Pick a nonstop flight like BOS-FCO and avoid the hassle of maybe losing your luggage with a change of flghts. I would suggest September or a little later, if you do July August, you will die with the heat and crowds. BTW, the cable car up to Fira was a piece of cake, STEEP, but easy, 6 people to a car. Plan your time so you don't get caught in a long que to get back to the ship. If you have any particular questions, just PM me whenever you think you might go.
Thanks, there is nothing like falling into your own bed after a very long day of flying, especially if you're not feeling well. The views really are amazing.
Get well quickly my friend!
Awesome photos, I know what you mean about the flying, flew to Paris in 1992, it was exhausting, I thought the flight was never going to end, flying over the ocean at night was insane. Congrats on the blackjack winnings and get well buddy!
Those chips are suitable for framing. Get a speedy recovery.
Actually, I have several pics of winnings, either cash or multiple chips from various casinos. I was thinking of framing each one and make a nice collage of memories.
Still feeling crappy, boy this covid thing is a mess! Tks for the well wishes.