Was 1975-76 Rutgers the best ?

in Sports Talk
Best small time school in ncaa basketball history ?
Ranked 4th in the nation
Made the final four undefeated
No... UTEP 1965-66.
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Yes. 28-1. Champs
First team with all black starting lineup
Define small-time.
The school itself for Rutgers is huge though they were an independent for basketball.
UTEP won a title.
Gonzaga is a small school far from normal basketball powers but has had big success for two decades, doing everything but winning a title.
Butler made the title game two straight years and had a title-winning shot bank out.
Obviously UTEP (called Texas Western in l965-66), for their championship season and what it meant for equity and sports desegregation, and the guts it took to make it happen. They only lost one game that year, 28-1, ranked #3 AP at the last polling of the season, clearly trumps anything a team from NJ ever did, LOL. The NCAA final was in Cole Field House at UMd. I used to go swim there when I was a Terp, little did I know at that time the history of Cole was so important and that the TWU championship was its finest moment........
I’ve seen shows on both. Not sure they’re the best but my favorite story is NC State and Jimmy V. Amazingly it will be 40 years in 2023 and 30 years since we lost him.
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