share a graph from your youth that you obtained yourself

back in 1981, a 9-yr-old galaxy27 politely asked Wilbert Montgomery of Philadelphia Eagles fame to sign his foam pink, no less
a couple of mini chunks missing, but still holding up relatively well 40+ years later
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Great topic, and great to see you posting again. At Pats training camp in 1992 my dad insisted I have John Hannah sign the back of this printed roster. I had no idea who he was at the time, but glad I got his auto!
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps
Sept 24th 1983

That was the day I busted my tibia all to hell, I remember going to my left and got hit and landed on my back, from the point of getting hit and landing on my back for that split second in between I do not remember. I do remember this; I was lying on my back with my head towards the south, my right leg pointing north, and my left leg at a 90° pointing to the west, my body was just numb from the shock. A few hours later I was in a hard cast from my left thigh down to my toes. A few weeks later I saw that Orestes Minoso AKA Minnie was signing autographs at a mall, I thought at that time, which would be cool to have someone else noteworthy autograph my cast…
George Steinbrenner taught me to keep score at Tinker Field in Orlando, 1980.
Kiss me twice.....let's party.
Not really an “autograph”, I guess… As a 6 year old, I went to see a couple of my cousin’s high school basketball games. My sister and I made a sign and ended up getting my cousin and a few of his teammates to sign.

“Slammin Sam” there on the left was none other than Sam Bowie. As a kid, I was amazed at their team picture - Sam is literally a head taller than everyone else on the team!
I have an autographed card of the 1986 WS MVP Ray Knight somewhere in the house.
Went to an NBA exhibition game at Murray State in 1963 between the Boston Celtics and the St. Louis Hawks. Get several autographs in pencil, including Bob Pettit and K.C. Jones. K.C. Jones on first picture at top, Bob Pettit on first picture at bottom and turned upside down, and K.C. Jones again on front cover. It appears I cut someone's autograph out of the front cover. I have lost that cut autograph as the years have gone by, but I think it was Bob Cousy.
Always looking for Mantle cards such as Stahl Meyer, 1954 Dan Dee, 1959 Bazooka, 1960 Post, 1952 Star Cal Decal, 1952 Tip Top Bread Labels, 1953-54 Briggs Meat, and other Topps, Bowman, and oddball Mantles.
I've told this story in another thread, but I'll drop it here again. Starting in 1980, my dad and I would go to the Niners' training camp in Rocklin. Until about 1984, you could literally stand outside the locker room and walk with the players as they went back to the dorm rooms where they stayed. They'd sign autographs and make small talk along the way. (After the Niners won a second Super Bowl, too many people showed up, so they roped space off for autographs. Most players still would stop to sign.)
These 3 were all signed in person over various years.
Funny note about the Rice autograph. I was old enough to drive myself, so I went on my own with a stack of about 20 Rice rookies. He was signing them as we walked. We got to his Porsche and there were still half or so left to sign. He joked, "How many of these do you have?" And then said "Get in." So I hopped in his Porsche and he signed the remaining ones while waiting in the drive-through at Burger King.
Sparky Lyle was a hometown hero. Every kid in Reynoldsville had one of these. The fun part is my name isn't Jeremy. He just thought it was. I think this was from around 1981.
Collector of Pittsburgh Pirates cards for a slightly less stupid reason.
My Pirates Collection
Bronze Zoo is a great read!
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
@copyboy1 doesn’t get any better than sitting in a Porsche with the real GOAT while he waits on fast food! Awesome story!
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps
That. Is. Amazing.
What a memory to have! Those cards are phenomenal and getting that auto in person takes the card to such a special level.
Instagram: mattyc_collection
This was pulled by me in 1986 and signed in person at Regina Pacis church show in 1986.
Instagram: mattyc_collection
My older cousin, who is a walking baseball encyclopedia, took me to an Orioles/ Mariners game in Baltimore when I was 13. After the game he took me to the tunnel where the visiting team players exited. He pointed out to me each of the Mariners to sign my program. I had no idea who the heck these people were, but my cousin was confident. I got Gaylord Perry, Jim Beattie, Julio Cruz, etc. After a couple of autos, I got cocky. I went off on my own and approached a guy who looked like a player, and he signed my book too. My cousin knowing that this guy was not a player loudly scolded me loudly "No, not him!" and pointed out the real players for me to go after. So apparently, I got a stranger's auto mixed in with all the others. Ahh the memories. Great thread.
Spring Training 1991. Don Mattingly was my favorite player and this was my first time going to see the Yankees. I came prepared with a baseball & pen but my faith was a little shaken overhearing people talk about how they had been coming to Yankee Spring Training games for years but "Mattingly never signs". Finally, he went over to the left side of the first base dugout and started signing - but I was on the other side of the dugout! Would he walk over and sign for us or should I sprint across the top of the dugout to get to where he was? I made the choice to run...and I can still hear the security guard yelling at me
I get there and it was like a mosh pit; in fact several times he had to tell the crowd to back up or he would stop signing. But in the end it was all worth it, and even though it's not an official MLB ball and the cover has started to crack it's still my favorite autograph I own. Behold!
Does this count? Steve Garvey gave this to me at Mets game in 1981. I then met him at the NYC National a year later and he signed it. Ironically, my friend was with him last night at Citi Field for Clemente night and told him the story how I have had the bat for 40+ years. Lol