If the season ended today !!!!

in Sports Talk
Seahawks. 0-0
Arizona. 0-1
San Fran. 0-1
Rams 0-1
Hawks would have a home playoff game !!! First place geno smith lol
Good post paul. I was at the Rams game on Thursday night. I have been trying to analyze the game ever since then. One thing stands out......the Rams were in total disarray the whole game. No team cohesion. It was a mess!...then I thought!!!.... McVay plays no front line players in the preseason!... ZERO!.....He did that last year too. The Rams won the SB......So.....I started thinking that the Niners and Cardinals would probably copy that plan. I think(?) they did.......So,...I was thinking that the Niners and the Cardinals would lose today!......And they did!......Wow!......The NFC West went from being the best division in the league to 0-3!.....But,.....only the first game.
Josh Allen is a very special talent...... Oh, he is good!

@hydrant I was worried about you. I thought you were AWOL. Glad to see you. But I think something is wrong on my end. I'm on my phone and your post looks like this...
Excuse. Excuses. Excuse. Excuses. More excuses. Blah, blah, blah more excuses. Josh Allen.
Showboat, I'm not making any excuses. The Rams looked absolutely horrible against the Bills. I'm just trying to figure out why. I've come up with a lot of reasons but it would bore forum members to hear about it. ONE THING STANDS OUT!..... Stafford only threw 3 long passes in the game and connected on all three.....one for a touchdown and one a late 4th quarter desperation pass. Everything else was short and HIGH!......because he was not fully extending his arm. So,....the Rams receivers were leaping and trying to make fingertip catches all night. The result was tipped balls and interceptions. The only exception was when Stafford threw a VERY low pass and it was intercepted on the ground. My suspicion is that Stafford has serious elbow problems..... If that's the case then count the Rams out for this season because they have NO backup QB......Whatever...... Doesn't mean anything to my life......
About the Bills Mafia. What a bunch of BS.....The Bills fans were at the game in big numbers!......ROWDY?......I don't think so.....they were the most enthusiastic and happy visiting crowd I've ever seen. Between the Rams fans and Bills fans there were high fives going on during the whole game. The game was tied at 10-10 at halftime and Rams and Bills fans were gathering together and talking about the game....never saw that before. NO PROBLEMS. Leaving the game it was high fives all around.......those Bills fans love football!......SoFi was a madhouse...... Wonderful!
About Josh Allen...... He's in a class by himself right now. His passes long or short are pinpoint!..... People go ga-ga about Lamar Jackson's running ability but Allen leaves that guy in the dust......He's amazing!.......

P.S. We had a weather event yesterday that was like nothing I've ever seen here.....There were reports that a hurricane was heading our way but I didn't believe it......Stupid me. About 3:30 yesterday afternoon it hit. But only locally at my place....... There was so much rain and wind for about 20 minutes that caused flash flooding. The roar of the water going thru here, all around my house, was deafening! CRESTING WAVES coming from EVERYWHERE!...... The whole ranch turned into a raging river....wall to wall! I'm living in the middle of a lake right now. If it would have lasted for another hour or so you would be watching about it on the national news. It would have been catastrophic!..... They say it never rains in California.......... That's because they don't know what they're talking about...... This winter the rain could be bad......REAL BAD. Weather conditions here are not normal.
@hydrant I enjoyed your long comment and appreciate it. But I disagree about at least thing. You said .. I've come up with a lot of reasons but it would bore forum members to hear about it. and I disagree. We would not be bored.
Let 'er rip
Showboat, with all due respect, there is no point going into it further. The Rams stunk out the joint on Thursday night.....That's the long and short of it. I'm not looking for excuses. Excuses are for sore losers. I'm looking for why they played so badly......whatever.......
Anyway,..... The highlight of the night?........While everyone was packing up to leave the game,....Little Hydranette Jenny said, "Papa, you forgot to give me a kiss goodbye!" She got her kiss and Papa was on Cloud Nine!......

I have more important things going on in life than worrying about a football game....Thank God...
P.S., It's raining here again and the water is running like mad!.....So, I've decided not to go to the Rams/Falcon game on Sunday. Instead, I'm going to stay home and frolic with 7 Little Hydrants while they shoot the rapids and play pirates on the ponds!.......The adults can go to the game........they'll miss all the fun.......All the better for us kids!........YIPPEE!!!!!
@hydrant looks like you are living the dream. My kids are now too old to give me that. But I remember. It was great. Enjoy!!
Life Is But A Dream.....A Gift......A Miracle...... Savor Every Moment.....Be Good....Be Kind....Seek Truth.....The Blink Of An Eye.
God Bless You All........