Identifying hammered silver coin
I don’t really know where to start looking with this one… it’s got a cross on one side, but where European (English) hammered issues often show a portrait of a ruler, it’s got what looks like a hut. Any ideas what it may be or even where it’s from? My scale has it at 1.17g.
EDIT: Updated photos
Quick photos from my phone, but I can get better ones in a little bit if needed.
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The "hut" copies the "temple" on the reverse of the final series of deniers issued by emperor Charlemagne circa 810 AD, which in turn copies the temples often depicted on ancient Roman coinage. Here's one in the Library of Congress collection. Yours is much cruder in fabric and execution than a typical Carolingian denier, so my guess would be a later French or German imitation, or possibly a Crusader States coin.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
Great information--thank you! Also, I just added updated photos.
The sheer crudeness of the design and lettering, combined with the fact that someone in the past seems to have tried to turn it into a jewellery item, makes me lean towards the Crusader theory.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.