French Gold for Sale

Up for sale are 3 French Napoleon III Gold 20 Franc pieces. Asking $1030 shipped for the lot. Purchased from Apmex just a few weeks ago. Neat way to obtain 170+ year old gold at a small premium to spot. Payment by paypal gift or paypal +2.9%. Too many references too list on both here and cointalk but happy to provide should need be.
Thanks for the interest.
Don't shoot the messenger, but these are on Apmex for $347.40 each; I don't think you're going to get many offers at the current price.
Successful BST transactions (as a buyer) with @ArchStanton, @JGnumismatics, @r00kies101, @derryb, @76collector, @Pachucko, @brendanlam, @Coll3ctor. I am looking for fractional gold Krugerrands, by year: 0.5oz: 2014, 2020, 2023 | 0.25oz: 1992, 1994, 2002, 2020, 2023 | 0.10oz: 1990, 1992, 1994, 2010, 2020-2021
Thanks Price adjusted based on that information to be lower than Apmex's