What error(s) is (are) going on with this Bermuda 1984 5 Cents?

I'll show a regular struck coin and follow it up with a recent error coin I purchased.
I am curious about what is happening with it (other than the severe damage/verdigris on the reverse!).
Ate the two coins the same size?
No. The off-centered one is smaller, and the metal content appears different.
Exactly my thoughts. Get that darned verdigris off. I have used ammonia to some effect on such and on nickel or copper nickel coins, OMS and otherwise.....
Well, just Love coins, period.
Struck on an incorrect planchet error. You could see if if the weight matches any other Bermuda coins. However, if this was struck by a contract mint (Franklin Mint for example), the host planchet may be difficult to identify.
I would also check the edge around the missing portion to make sure somebody didn't get creative with a grinder.
FYI - I think that verdigris/corrosion is going to be difficult to remove or stabilize