Active Inventory Unassigned to Matching Sets

Anyone know how to find the Matching Sets - there should be a way to generate a list of sets that you might want to start based on your left over inventory, right?
“When you don't know what you're talking about, it's hard to know when you're finished.” - Tommy Smothers
At the upper right of the screen there is the blue oval with "START A SET" written in it. Click on that button and it will bring up a list of sets that coins in your inventory will match.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
yeah , I did that so many times, as you might have.. The tricky problem is you get to guess which set a given coin might match?
If you want to find out what sets a given coin might fit then type in the cert number for the coin on the PCGS certificate verification page and it will give you the list of sets that your coin will fit. It's quick and PCGS tells you right away.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Thanks @TomB. THAT WORKS. Its too bad there isnt a isnt a way to do that DIRECTLY from the inventory page. My problem is I have inventory that I havent started sets for yet. I tried deleting it and adding it back in with the "Add these items to all of your existing sets which they match" box checked - but it only checks for matching sets you already started.. catch 22 you can start a new set, but you have to know which sets is might match, then start that particular set.
if you're out there listening, COLLECTORS.COM Here is a suggestion: We need an algorithm to get set suggestions based on unmatched inventory. Also a way do do a whole batch of them would be cool!