Gardens and forums

Why a Garden in Boston and NY,
but a Forum in LA and Montreal ?
A Spectrum in Philly and a Coliseum on LI ?
A yard in Baltimore, a park at Fenway, and a
field in Chicago ?
A Garden ? Isn’t that where a bunch of pansies are ?
Why a Garden in Boston and NY,
but a Forum in LA and Montreal ?
A Spectrum in Philly and a Coliseum on LI ?
A yard in Baltimore, a park at Fenway, and a
field in Chicago ?
A Garden ? Isn’t that where a bunch of pansies are ?
Very intriguing question!
I can't wait to read some of the answers on this
PDX - Memorial Coliseum followed by Rose Garden followed by Moda Center................
Yes, Rose Garden has me smiling. Area is a disaster/dump. Crime central. Seattle the same.