How bad are the Seahawks going to be?

in Sports Talk
After the Seahawks dealt Russel Wilson it was obvious that they are rebuilding.
I thought the fans would have to suffer through a 6 or 7 win season. But after
watching their last preseason game against the Bears I have a hard time seeing
them winning more than 3 games all year or any games within their division.
Am I being too pessimistic?
Welcome to Sports Talk @fightfraud24
I just looked through their schedule. As things are currently configured, I would say 6, maybe 7 wins is their ceiling. I would also say that I doubt they reach their ceiling. The NFL season can be an anomaly and you never know. That being said....let me check their over/under projections....okay, it says 5.5. Vegas is smart. If you look at the Seahawks schedule, a lot of people will come away with the idea of 6, maybe 7. They will bet the over. They will also most likely lose. 5 games or less won is the most likely scenario, unless injuries, trades, etc throw things off.
You can't judge anything by preseason performances, especially the second games when most teams sit all their starters.
The Lions went 4-0 in 2008 in the preseason. They went 0-16 in the regular season.
I expect the Seahawks to be pretty bad, though, especially since their division is just loaded. 4 wins is very possible.
Plan on the Seahawks to win maybe 4-5 games
Don't feel bad though. I'm actually planning on my Patriots winning only 6 or 7 games
who was at QB ????
Geno SMith would not make the local High School team. !!!!!!!!!!
i see them winning 5 games and being in rebuild mode for another 5 years
And that is why I don't bet on sports!!!
I saw early on in the game Geno Smith was playing ike Brady in his prime.
Denver should be ashamed of themselves
Geno disappeared in the second half but they still did enough to win.
Geno Smith looked like he was formed from the Tyrod Taylor mold. He started 17-18 completing 4 yard passes. He threw one deeper ball only because of a broken coverage. 6 or 7 of those tosses were behind the line of scrimmage. Denver’s mistakes, 2 fumbles inside the one kept this closer than it should have been. I never bought into the hype (see my last Swami post) with Wilson. His success can be linked to great defenses and him throwing less than 20 times. I think Denver was all that, just preseason hype. Without a doubt they finish last in their division but that no crime with KC, LV and LA.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Overall it seems that Wilson was outplayed by his counterpart. What I thought was strange is that of all people Russell Wilson should have been aware of the "noise factor" in Seattle, he should have been prepared and in control of the huddle and the snap. Yet they had I think 3-4 delay-of-game penalties which is inexcusable and really hurt them, especially the one at the three yard line.
The other thing that hurt the Broncos was team discipline and penalties which is always on the HC. Speaking of that coach, he made some terrible rookie mistakes, the worst in the last minute of play. What went on to allow the clock to move from :43 seconds down to :20 seconds before they called a time-out?? Ridiculous!! Then, after the ball went to the SeaHawks with :15 seconds left he uses two time-outs, that's about as bush-league as you can get.
Not a good way to start a Head Coaching career in the NFL.
One other thing about Wilson, he doesn't seem to be as fast as he once was and can't seem to make the corner when he leaves the pocket. There were a number of times I thought he should have run but he chose not to.
Seahawks 1 - 0
cardinals 0-1
niners 0-1
rams 0-1
Seahawks defense last night reminds me of the seahawks back in 2012 with a lot of young talented defenders.
Even with last nights gift from Denver's coach, I doubt they'll be any better than 7-10. Geno is nice backup QB.
Wow all the so called experts on the NFL network who were hyping Denver look dumb now.
Kind of like me hyping Dallas to beat Tampa Bay. I actually thought the Cowboys might be good.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the one with the last name Ovlosky or similar
claim Denver would win the AFC west? Pretty sure it was him, kind of a skinny weaselly
looking guy?
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Had Denver been successful on its end of game filed goal (this winning the game 19-17) commentators would be saying that the Denver coach made an astute call.
Had Denver not coughed up two fumbles while at the Seattle goal line there would have been no end of game drama.
When I saw the two fumbles take place I spouted out my late father in law's go to line .......................... Dumb Sh...t!!!!!.
So much for my favorite team going undefeated this year.
They should have listened to me, but they never do. 😃
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Today should sum it up fairly well.
Pete Carroll commenting on the NFC West 1st Place Seahawks, "After 7 weeks...who woulda thunk it?"
Obviously not me.
I’m shocked. This trade is looking better all the time.
I’m standing corrected. About the Seahawks for now anyway
The trade was a great trade either way it’s gets better with each Denver loss