NFL fan bases that drink the most

in Sports Talk
A survey was taken recently to determine which NFL fan bases drink the most, and the results are in!
Football and beer go hand in hand. Whether they’re tailgating before the game, using their favorite mobile app to place bets, or waiting with bated breath as the final seconds of the game countdown, there’s a good chance NFL fans will have a cold one in their hand.
Most fan bases will boast that they can outdrink their rivals, but which NFL fans drink the most?
We surveyed NFL fans across the country to ask all about their drinking habits in order to find out which are the “booziest” of them all.
Doesn't surprise me that Niner fans came in at the bottom....
well duh, of course we're 4th
by the middle of the 2nd quarter Bears fans start ramping it up in hopes that they'll forget where they are
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I'm not surprised my Panthers are near the top of the list, being a Panthers fan will drive you to alcoholism.
Not what I was anticipating...
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Wanna get drunk but hate being hungover? You're problems are solved, just stare at this!
Like watching Steve Buscemi movies when you're drunk but hate being hungover? Yeah me too, our problems are solved!
Beer Straw
Getting the "Game Face" on in the Cleveland Muni Lot..........
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I would have thought all of the rust belt cities to be at the top, with Cleveland the top of the top. But hey I guess I am stereotyping. Still, what is up with Cleveland? They need to up their drinking at games abit..........