2008D Arizona Quarter Missing JEM on Reverse

I have found a ton of what individuals call the extra Cactus on the Reverse of the Arizona Quarter. I guess one could call this one a misplaced cactus or Missing the JEM initials. What do you all think?
it looks like it may be the die chip under the cacti covering it up. if that is what it is, it has been known for a long time as i recall one of the first antique malls i went into for numismatic purposes, i found one.
Yea it looks like it could very well be a die chip, it appears from photo 2 that the JEM area of the die must have broke off in that area leaving a die chip. This is the first time I have seen this one.
ok. after re-visiting this, this isn't the die chip version.
your initials are there but just kinda smushed/smeared or whatever. the die chip covers area 3.
found one going through some rolls just now, figured i'd pop in and comment.
the die chip stages (i've seen) cover from part of 2 all the way below 3 to where the initials aren't visible.