From the unauthorized DD pic vault

in Sports Talk
Now that mullets are back in style, DD, not one to be late to the party, is sprucing up for a night on the town.
is Ratt still touring? i think that's where double d was headed after that entire can of extreme hold hairspray was emptied on his voluminous green hair
Round and round
What comes around goes around
I'll tell you why
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I'm sorry for the late reply, it's a very busy day, today is take mom to the doctor for a checkup day, she's driving me crazy, help!
Ah yes, mom has been escorted to the doctor and returned home safely, a pleasant day indeed. She can be very feisty when she's hungry, so I treated her to lunch at her favorite establishment. Yes, if mom ever needs anything, I'm always at my desk, for I am........the good son.
you are a good man for escorting momma dragon to her doctor's appointment
you may now enjoy the fruits of your labor
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I actually asked her if she wanted to stop by wal-mart for anything and she surprisingly said no, I think she was full from her meal. We ate at her favorite place, a little Mexican joint called "La Bamba", we both had the chicken enchilada!
C'mon man !
Fess up with the mullet thing.
No respectable Reese's Peanut Butter lover would eat, endorse or have in your home, a 2nd rate Patti LaBelle treat.

The last time I had a mullet was years ago, here, this a photo of me back in the day, I was out taking pictures and doing a little shopping!
Maybe this is why DD turned out like he did. I think he's near the Patti LaBelle frozen items.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣> @MCMLVTopps said: