Washington stamps

in Stamps Forum
Haven't collected stamps since I was a kid, but happened to look at a few on ebay yesterday. There has to be some explanation for what I'm seeing, but it's eluding me just now. Any help?
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The one above is $500.
This one is only $299.99:
And it's listed as 'unused'. Are these fronts for mafia orgs or something?
Another one. I think there are dozens, maybe hundreds
I always wondered if some of the nonsensical listings on ebay were money laundering schemes.
Selling garbage for high dollar
penny stamps looking for a sucker.
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
You will see this in all aspects of collectibles. Take care...CC
Are any of these worth anything?
Unfortunately, no.
People will collect town cancels, A few dollars each.
Thanks for clearing this up. I have stared at eBay for hours at some of these stamps that sold for large $$$ and was unable to discern what made them more valuable than the hundreds in my collection. It makes sense that collecting is not the motive behind some of them.